< Curse of the Golden Flower
Curse of the Golden Flower/YMMV
- Fan Nickname: Curse of the Golden Corset.
- Magnificent Bastard: The Emperor. Royally magnificent, and quite the bastard.
- Nightmare Fuel: During the final battle, Jai's soldiers screaming as they're crushed under the Emperor's soldier's massive mobile wall. Even more so when you realize a certain Shout-Out...
- Rooting for the Empire: Very possible as the Emperor is just that much of a Magnificent Bastard.
- Subbing Versus Dubbing: The English dub featured a certain title card motif being read aloud rather than subbed.
- Squick: Almost always relevant when Brother-Sister Incest is involved.
- Narm: The revelation scene in itself. Goddammit, Chan, we don't need to see you run around while your boobs jiggle all over the place.
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