Cul de Sac (comic strip)/Characters
The Otterloop Family
Alice Otterloop
The Strip's main charicter, a precious four-year old who goes to Blisshaven Academy Preschool.
- Annoying Younger Sibling: The way Petey sees her.
- The Bully: Mostly of the verbal kind.
- Cloudcuckoolander
- Everything's Better with Princesses: Pancake Princesses, specifically.
- It's All About Me
- Little Miss Snarker
- Precocious Crush: On Andre.
- Motor Mouth
- Red Headed Heroine
- Sibling Yin-Yang: With Petey.
- Vitriolic Best Buds: With Sophie.
- Why Did It Have To Be Big Shirley?
Peter "Petey" Otterloop II
Alice's brother. He dosen't like doing anything really and prefers to just sit on his bed and read comics, but is often forced into actiivties against his will, mostly soccer. Also a master of the shoebox diorama
- Anti-Hero:Type 1
- Breakout Character: Slowly but surely evolved into the Dutertagonist
- Brilliant but Lazy: Makes a good shoebox diorama, is quite smart but also will avoid anything resembling physical activity like the plague.
- Cloudcuckoolander
- Deuteragonist
- Heterosexual Life Partners: With Andre
- Picky Eater: The only time a computer shows up in the strip is when he checks his global Picky Eater rating and has a habit of spereating the parts of his food.
- Magnetic Hero: He has three and a half (he considers Ernesto half since he's not entirely sure if he's real or not) friends, all who he found by accident and stay around him.
- Out of Body Experience: Has a tendency to have these in high stress situations, though he's more of a Spirit Advisor who helps Petey through these situations.
- Redheaded Hero
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: The Blue to Andre's Red
- Sibling Yin-Yang: With Alice
- The Slacker
- Will They or Won't They?: Kid-version with Viola
Madeline Otterloop
Alice and Petey's Mother.
Peter Otterloop
Alice and Petey's Dad
- Bumbling Dad: Averted, he's a bit goofy but generally compitent.
- Butt Monkey: Author Richard Thompson tries to prevent this, but it happens quite frequently.
Blisshaven Academy
Dill Wedekid
One of Alice's best friends and fellow classmate at Blisshaven. He's a rather odd kid with a tendency to talk about things unrelated to the task at hand and has four brothers who have a habit for mischief and contraptions. He also likes to peek inside peoples mailboxes to check on them.
- Beware the Nice Ones
- Cloudcuckoolander: Possibly the strips biggest.
- Creepy Child: On occasion.
- Dogged Nice Guy: Towards Alice, who he plans to marry some day.
- Green-Eyed Monster: Whenever Andre's around.
- Left Fielder
- Unknown Rival: Towards Andre.
Alice's other best friend and fellow classmate at Blisshaven. An energetic boy with a love of tools
- The Big Guy
- Completely Missing the Point: When his mom said, "A child with a hammer? Why not just give him a nail gun then?" and took his hammer away, he was under the impression he was getting a nail gun.
- Drop the Hammer: Though he used it to fix things, he did have an acutal hammer, until his parents took it away for obvious reasons and gave him a squeaky hammer.
- Mid-Season Upgrade: Inverted. His orignal hammer was an actual hammer while it's replacement is just a toy hammer.
- Mr. Fixit
One of Alice's classsmates at Blisshaven and probably the one with the least amount of screentime.
- Women Are Wiser: She is perhaps the most normal of the Blisshaven students.
- Girlish Pigtails
- Running Gag: Her duck shaped potato she always brings for show and tell.
Another classmate of Alice's, he is the prime target of Alice's teasing.
- Butt Monkey
- Embarrassing Nickname: Buckethead Kevin, but only Alice calls him that.
A nervous kid in Alice's class who's mother scrapbooks his every action
- My Beloved Smother: Has one who scrapbooks his every action.
A girl in Alice's class who intially joined in the summer class, before coming ocsianllly in the regular class. Initally on bad terms with Alice due to Alice's tendecy to call her "that weird new kid" or "Soapie", the two eventually bonded at a concert and have been best freinds ever since.
- My Name Is Not Durwood
- Not So Different: See the introduction.
- Vitriolic Best Buds: With Alice.
Miss Bliss
Blisshaven Academy's only teacher.
- Improbable Hairstyle: Her bun borders on this.
- A Simple Plan: Most of her efforts to introduce her students to "culture" go this way.
- Wiki Walk: Her students often take her on the conversational equivalent of these.
Mr. Danders
The Blisshaven academy class pet, who's highly intelligent.
- Classically-Trained Extra
- Everyone Calls Him Guinea Pig
- Large Ham
- Small Name, Big Ego
- The Bus Came Back:Disapeared for a long time until he came back later as part of a nature show.
Petey's Friends
Ernesto Lacuna
A "Weird Kid" who Petey swears is imaginary. Plans on taking over the world someday.
- Badass Boast: After Petey states he still think's Ernesto is imaginary: "I AM BEYOND YOUR PUNY IMAGINATION!"
- Clap Your Hands If You Believe: How Alice thinks he came into being.
- Clingy Jealous Guy: Towards Viola.
- Cloudcuckoolander
- FortressOfSolitude: Has one in the public library.
- What Kind of Lame Power Is Heart, Anyway?: Believes he can make feet fall asleep at will.
- Insufferable Genius
- Large Ham
- Mind Screw: Is he imaginary? Is he real? Is he both?
- Not-So-Imaginary Friend: Petey still has trouble believing this, but he has interacted with both Mrs.Otterloop and Viola.
- The Rival: To Pete for Viola.
Viola D'More
A girl with wild hair. Her and Pete have a thing going.
- Affectionate Nickname: "Petey Otterpoop" for Petey.
- Out of Focus: hasn't appeared in a year outside of a cameo.
- Insistent Terminology: "It's a MARIMBA"
- Tsundere
- Wild Hair
- Will They or Won't They?: See Petey's entry
Andre Chang
Petey's best friend who he met at Cartoon Camp in 2010. Andre is just as much of a comics fan as Petey but prefers superheros and lots of action.
- Asian and Nerdy
- The Big Guy
- Gentle Giant
- Hollywood Nerd
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: The Red to Petey's Blue
Loris Slothrop
A highly energetic girl and friend of Petey's who he met at Cartoon Camp in 2010. She's always a few steps ahead of everyone.
- Awesome but Impractical: Her massive amount of hairbands(with only two visible) make her hair look cool, but all shoot out whenever she get's excited.
- Cloudcuckoolander: To the point where she apparently can see when Petey's having an out of body experience.
- Hair Decorations
- Peek-a-Bangs
- Meaningful Name: Inverted. Loris and sloth are both incredibly slow animals.
- Motor Mouth