< Cue the Sun
Cue the Sun/Playing With
Basic Trope: Sunrise is a good omen.
- Straight: As Bob defeats Emperor Evulz, the sun rises.
- Exaggerated: As Bob defeats Emperor Evulz, The Night That Never Ends breaks and the sun rises.
- Justified: As a lich, Emperor Evulz has power that blocks the sun from ever shining in his Mordor. When he's defeated, this spell is broken.
- Inverted:
- As Bob defeats Emperor Evulz, the sun sets. Symbolizing the definite end of Evulz' life.
- As Bob defeats Emperor Evulz it rains. Symbolizing the loss of his Worthy Opponent.
- The Sun rises in the middle of the night, unusually bright. Signaling the invasion of Emperor Evulz Von Helios
- Subverted: That which rises is not the sun.
- Double Subverted: These are the celestial messengers of the sun goddess, here to save Bob from Evulz' crumbling citadel. It's the first time the oppressed people here see something close to pure sunlight.
- Parodied:
- The rising sun has smiling face and sings the theme song of Teletubbies.
- Evulz was defeated in the afternoon and a second sun rises out of nowhere.
- Deconstructed: Legends say that whenever a great evil is defeated, the sun will rise. Since Bob (a Ninja) defeats Evulz in the midnight, the people won't believe that he's their hero.
- Reconstructed: Considering this, Bob asks his celestial friend Alice to shower the world with light shall he defeat Evulz.
- Zig Zagged: As Bob fell Evulz with his blow, the sun rises from the east. But when Evulz rise again and go One-Winged Angel, the sun hides itself. After a difficult battle, Evulz is gone for good, but the sun won't rise. Turns out that Bob needs to kill Evulz's soul in The Underworld before the sun will rise. When he does so, the sun itself rises in the realm of the dead.
- Averted: The story takes place in the midnight.
- Enforced: This story is titled Samurai Punk Bob: The Return of Ra.
- Lampshaded: "It's a new day for the people of this land."
- Invoked: Bob times his deathly blow to the rising of the sun.
- Exploited: Bob rushes to Evulz's citadel before the sun rise, hoping that he can paint himself as the legendary hero.
- Defied: Emperor Evulz hides somewhere safe until it's day.
- Discussed: ???
- Conversed: ???
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