< Cue the Rain
Cue the Rain/Playing With
Basic Trope: Right after everything else goes wrong, it starts raining, too.
- Straight: Alice and Bob is running late. Then she gets a flat tire. Then, while she's trying to jack up the car to change it, it begins to rain.
- Exaggerated: ...and then hail. And then thunder.
- Downplayed: It begins to rain, but her car is stopped under a bridge, so it's not raining on her.
- Justified: She was hurrying to get home before it started raining when she had the flat.
- Inverted: Cue the Sun.
- It had been raining for days, but right after Alice gets out from acing a job interview, it has stopped.
- Subverted: The clouds roll in while Alice is changing the tire, but the rain doesn't start until after she's finished.
- Double Subverted: ...however, when Alice gets back in the car, it won't start. And when she gets out to open the hood, the floodgates open.
- Parodied: When she was driving along the road, the sky was completely clear. Right after the flat, when she says, "How could this get worse?", the clouds swoop in with an audible whoosh.
- Zig Zagged:
Alice: And right then, it suddenly started raining cats and dogs.
Bob: But you're not wet.
Alice: No, I mean literal cats and dogs. I had to spend ten minutes chivvying them away with the tire iron before I could drive off.
- Averted: It stays sunny.
- Enforced: ???
- Lampshaded: ???
- Invoked: ???
- Exploited: Alice expects this to happen, and drives into an area going through a drought.
- Defied: ???
- Discussed: ???
- Conversed: "So, do you think it's going to start raining now, or do they want to pile a few more disasters on Alice first?"
Back to Cue the Rain -- and don't forget your umbrella!
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