Cross Edge
X Edge (officially given the name Cross Edge for English audiences) is a Massive Multiplayer Crossover Tactical RPG developed by Idea Factory and Compile Heart. It was released in 2008 for the Play Station 3, and published in North America by Nippon Ichi Software and by Koei in European territories. It is the first Capcom crossover outside of the Marvel and SNK games to be ported to American shores.
While the game does feature a few playable Capcom characters, it has more in common with Namco X Capcom than the Capcom vs. series, as the former is a turn-based strategy RPG.
A character sheet is in the making. Please keep it to Cross Edge-original characters.
Characters and series represented in Cross Edge:
- Atelier series: Marie
- Darkstalkers: Morrigan (your first playable ally), Felicia, Demitri, Lilith, Jedah
- Disgaea: Etna, the Prinnies
- Ar tonelico: Lyner, Ayatane, Aurica, Misha, Shurelia, Bourd
- Mana-Khemia 2: Fall of Alchemy: Raze, Lily, Reicher
- Spectral Souls: Zelos, Meu
- Original to Cross Edge: York, Miko, Troy, Vivi, Mimi, Cece, Lazarus, Raizen, Anesha, Judas, Augustine
Tropes used in Cross Edge include:
- Adult Child: Felicia, via Flanderization. One of the game's "missions" consists of catching a fish for her to eat because Felicia suddenly throws a tantrum.
- An Ice Person:
LilyWhim, of Mana Khemia 2, has incredible icy abilities, but of course... She is a water Mana. - Anime Theme Song: "Blade of Tears".
- Character Select Forcing: During certain event battles (such as when you come across new allies), you have to use certain characters to fight.
- Cool Big Sis: How Morrigan is portrayed towards Lilith.
- Combat Medic: Aurica is the first one you obtain. Misha, Marie, Miko, Vivi and Mimi soon follow, but the former three need to level up certain skills to access their healing techs.
- Combination Attack
- Combos: The bread-and-butter of the game is its ability to unleash combos that dish out multiple hits per action.
- Downloadable Content: Surprisingly, a good chunk of it is free.
- Dumb Is Good: This game seems to have cemented Felicia's Ditzy status for good.
- Everything's Better with Penguins: Prinnies, dood!
- Fan Service: Lots of it, it has several hot springs scenes in there among all things.
- Transformation sequences galore, which are exclusive only to the females...
- Lampshaded by the Prinny, who claims he has to peep on the girls in the hot springs because it's what the fans are expecting.
- Also need for the True Ending.
- F Minus Minus: Particularly bad battle ranks go below F and go straight into G, H, and I territory.
- Guide Dang It/Lost Forever: The "True End" is guilty of this, with requirements such as only defeating certain enemies in certain boss fights, NOT defeating certain enemies in certain boss fights, defeating enemies in boss fights that usually end automatically after a certain period of time, or triggering events in previous areas of the game that are only available for a small window of time, give no indication to the player when they become available, and typically disapear forever if the player continues with the main story without finding them. Parts of this are made easier by a New Game+, but other parts remain even then.
- Gun Fu: York, Lazarus, and Zelos qualify but York more so than the other two.
- Item Crafting: You'll need to use this often to create new weapons and items.
- Jerkass: York, to everybody except Miko.
- Late Arrival Spoiler: If you ever played this game, you should at least have a knowledge or at least have beaten Ar tonelico because it WILL spoil Shurelia's true identity and her lack of direction.
- Also spoiled: Adult Misha's appearance, and the fact that Ayatane is a traitor.
- Leaked Experience
- Lethal Joke Item: The Chicken Emblem. At first, it sucks so bad that you want to get rid of it right away. But if you upgrade it fully, not only will it become one of the best items in the game, it will also make you combo like crazy! Perfect for many bosses. The problem? You steal it from Lujit.
- Level Grinding: You will find yourself doing a lot of this before traveling between areas.
- Less over time, as the enemies start yielding crap tons of exp. The first area barely gives 12 at best on standard. The second? Well over 40. If you did Level Grind and accumulate TP to upgrade weapons, you have just reached the point of abusing your ability to upgrade stuff.
- Limit Break
- Loads and Loads of Characters
- Marie Debuted In Cross Edge: This is the first time Marie has seen American shores, over a decade since her original game, and not even published by the same company, to boot.
- More true to the trope, this game came out in the US three months before Mana-Khemia 2: Fall of Alchemy so Raze, Lily, Reicher did debut in Cross Edge.
- Original Generation: A bunch.
- Rank Inflation: Your end-of-battle reward multiplier depends on how well you perform and how hard your opponents are. These go as high as "S" to A, B, C, D, E, F, and below that.
- Sean Connery Is About to Shoot You: York in the game cover.
- Smug Snake: Both Reicher and Bourd.
- Sprite Polygon Mix
- Unstable Equilibrium: The costumes (for female characters only) give some of your characters godly stat increases, which would take hours of normal item-crafting and Level Grinding to achieve. Because some of these are available through paid DLC, those who shell out the cash can sleepwalk their way through the earlier sections by fielding a pimped-out Amazon Brigade.
- Verbal Tic: Prinnies, dood!
- Felicia, ~nya!
- Victorious Childhood Friend: Yuuto/York and Mikoto. It's just that you have to do a ton of things just to get Mikoto to survive.
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