< Crazy Prepared

Crazy Prepared/Playing With

Basic Trope: A character has a specific plan devised to help them with their current circumstances, no matter how unusual or unlikely those circumstances are.

  • Straight: Alice and Bob have uncovered evidence of aliens infiltrating the government to prepare Earth for a massive invasion. Much to Bob's surprise, Alice has a plan for just this eventuality.
  • Exaggerated: After uncovering evidence that aliens are replacing key members of the government to prepare for a massive invasion, the aliens have captured Bob and Alice and sent them back in time to the Cretaceous era, right in front of a Tyrannosaurus Rex. The tyrannosaurus is being mind-controlled by a psychic genius who has allied himself with the aliens and programmed the tyrannosaurus to hunt Bob and Alice no matter what. Simultaneously, the ancient reptile people who inhabited the Earth long before humanity have a cult worshipping the ancient god Xy'glu and been promised Bob and Alice as living sacrifices if they can catch them. And just for good measure, the aliens have also sent back armies of ninjas, pirates, zombies, robots and amalgamations of same to hunt Bob and Alice down and make sure that they get killed. In response, Alice enacts Plan Q, which is designed precisely for this situation.
  • Justified:
  • Inverted:
    • Alice doesn't have a plan, but she is very very good at the Indy Ploy or MacGyvering.
    • Alternatively: Alice never knows what to do in the most mundane of situations.
  • Subverted:
    • Alice does have a plan; unfortunately, she Forgot to Feed the Monster, and is unable to put the plan into effect.
    • Alice has a plan, but something she doesn't anticipate happens, thus completely ruining it.
    • Alice puts the wrong plan into effect.
  • Doubly Subverted:
    • Fortunately, Alice also has a plan for what to do if something prevented her from putting into effect the original plan or unexpected developments arose.
    • Alice was prepared for her own failure and this failure automatically activates the back up plan
    • It only looked like the wrong plan; Alice in fact hit Exactly What She Aimed At.
  • Parodied: Alice carries around with her a Big Book Of Complicated Plans For Unlikely Situations which she consults whenever she's faced with a problem. It inevitably contains the solution.
  • Deconstructed:
    • Since there is absolutely no way that Alice could conceivably plan for every single eventuality, Alice's plans look good on paper but are inevitably flawed when they come into contact with real situations.
    • Because Alice's plans are that good, people begin to suspect that she's in on it, since no one could be that well prepared.
    • Alice's mind is slowly shattering under the strain of trying to prepare for every eventuality, no matter how unlikely.
  • Reconstructed:
    • Although Alice's plans can't cover everything, they are at least good enough to work from, and Alice is adept at adjusting them to compensate for situational and contextual differences.
    • Alternatively: none of her plans ever come in handy, but the practice of making plans makes her an expert at the Indy Ploy.
    • Alice is prepared to people suspecting that she's in on it. And she has a plan how to prove her innocence.
    • Alice's mind has already shattered, and this is precisely why she is so prepared
  • Averted: Although Alice has planned for some eventualities, there are some things that even she can't see coming.
  • Enforced: The writers want to stress what a Badass tactical genius Alice is.
  • Lampshaded: "... There is no possible way you could have seen that coming." "And yet."
  • Invoked: Alice spends every waking moment thinking of every possible situation that could arise and making a plan for it.
  • Defied:
    • The aliens spend every waking moment and divert all of their resources towards devising a plan which absolutely no one could possibly anticipate.
    • Alternatively, they destroy her plans, including the one about what to do when aliens destroy your plans.
  • Discussed: "I've been traveling with Alice for years, and so far I haven't encountered a single situation which she doesn't have a plan for. It's actually kind of creepy, really."
  • Conversed: "Alice must be the most forward thinking fictional character I've ever come across."
  • Played for Laughs: Alice gets into slapstick dangers and her plans are very funny and weird.
  • Played for Drama: Alice is cornered by two rapist thugs. She hasn't finished the plan yet, and prays every minute she escapes. After some tense moments and injuries, Alice finally escapes.

I knew you'd want to go back to Crazy Prepared...

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