< Crash Bandicoot

Crash Bandicoot/Funny

  • The scene in Crash Twinsanity when Doctor Cortex's whole body (including his head) is stuck in a pipe. Normally, fart jokes are considered the lowest form of humor, but the comedic timing and his squeal make for Grade-A humor. "The greatest evil scientist in the world... stuck in a pipe. How can things get any worse? {farts} {anguished squeal}
  • The skunk enemy on the first level of Twinsanity that is sick of going back and forth for, as he puts it, "ten stinkin' years", and stands up sulking with his arms folded.
  • "My crystals!"
  • "I'm in a safe place... I'm in a safe place... Ohhh-AAAH!"
  • The "N Faux Mercial" cutscene from Mind Over Mutant.
  • From Crash Tag Team Racing:

Stew: "You ever put a baked ham in a woodchipper? I know I have!"

  • More fun with N. Gin: "Ow, my spleen is coming out! ...So that's what it looks like."
  • "Avenge me! Eat a balanced breakfast."
  • Some of The Many Deaths of Crash in the second and third games.
  • N. Gin's scene in Crash of the Titans, where he starts arguing with himself (a clear reference to Gollum):

N. Gin: But Doctor Cortex is our friend... (switches) You don't have any friends! He always kicked you in the tokus! And other! Very! Gentle! Spots! (switches) But I liked it when he did that!

  • Most of the things that N. Gin randomly yells out over his intercom in Titans:

I'll ruin you like I ruined my prom!
I could be on Cyborg Idol if that show existed! WHY DON'T THEY MAKE THAT SHOW?!

Attention disgusting monkeys: Crash Bandicoot has been sighted loose in the facility. Please take a moment to look around your work space. If you find a bandicoot, please DROP! HUGE! BOMBS ON THEM!! CAUSE EXPLOSIONS, AND SHARP THINGS TO FLY INTO THEIR BODIES!!! (crazed laughter)

Tomorrow is "Make Your Child Work In The Corps" Day. Be sure to bring your many rat-like offspring so we can make them do work considered unsafe for robots. Also, please note that Friday is Hawaiian Shirt Day, so try to find a sufficiently tacky shirt. That is all.

  • This gem from Uka Uka:

Uka Uka: I'll get the last laugh! (Evil Laugh) (Beat) I'm laughing now too, just in case.

Cortex: Ugh, there was a piece of lettuce in the urinal. Who eats a sandwich while going to the bathroom? Seriously!

Aku Aku: Honestly! Who sends socks to a magic mask with no feet?

You're only winning because I'm not used to having legs! Long, supple legs!

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