< Crack Pairing
Crack Pairing/Playing With
- Basic Trope: A pairing that doesn't make much, if any, sense.
- Played Straight: Alice is paired up with Bob, even though they are only casual acquaintances in canon.
- Exaggerated:
- Alice and Bob have never actually met. They may not even be from the same series or movie.
- Alternatively, Alice and Bob hate each other's guts, yet are portrayed as being madly in love by fans.
- Bob doesn't even appear in the show - he sings the theme tune.
- Alice and Bob are siblings and have no romantic interest in each other, yet certain fanfic authors pair them up.
- Alice is The Messiah Token Mini-Moe and Bob is an The Antichrist Humanoid Abomination. Alice is too young to even think about love while Bob doesn't even understand the concept of "coexistence", let alone love. Somehow they get paired up.
- Justified: Alice secretly has a crush on Bob (and possibly vice versa), but neither one had the guts to do something about it in canon.
- Inverted: Alice and Bob are an Official Couple.
- Subverted:
- Alice has a crush on Bob, but it's one-sided.
- Double Subverted:
- But it turns out Bob just Cannot Spit It Out until he finds out about Alice's feelings. Then they get together.
- Parodied: Alice and Bob are inanimate objects, and they're not even logically connected inanimate objects (i.e. it's not a case of "And the dish ran away with the spoon", but more like "And the dish ran away with the radio.")
- Deconstructed: Alice and Bob may not even know each other, or even like each other. Just being in the same room or the same series/movie is not enough for a healthy relationship.
- Reconstructed: But, somehow, it works. Alice and Bob learn that they have a lot in common, and that they really do like each other. Before long, they too are exclusive.
- Zig Zagged: Sometimes Alice and Bob are head-over-heels for each other, sometimes they are nothing more than Platonic Life Partners, sometimes they are treated as casual acquaintances (as they are in Canon), sometimes they don't appear together at all, sometimes they can't stand one another.
- Averted: Alice and Bob do not get together.
- Enforced: Fan Fiction about Alice and Bob, generally by a fan who just wants an excuse to put them together.
- Lampshaded: "Alice, are you reading those stupid fanfics again? I told you, it's not gonna happen."
- Invoked: Someone wonders about this pairing on a forum, and soon enough, everyone puts on their Shipping Goggles, looking for any excuse to put Alice and Bob together.
- Defied: Ship Sinking.
- Discussed: "Alicia, are you sure that Robert is the one for you? After all, you're a 16-year old human girl and he's a Martian vampire. I understand that "true love conquers all", as the saying goes, but maybe you still want to consider going out with a normal guy?"
- Conversed: "Whoa, never saw that pairing coming."
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