Coyote is a hard science fiction series created by Allen Steele. The series begins with the hijacking of Earth's first starship, the URSS Alabama, from the corrupt United Republic of America. From there the story follows the lives of the colonists as they try to set up a working civilization on Coyote, a moon around a gas giant in the 47 Ursae Majoris system.
The main Coyote series contains:
- Coyote: A novel of interstellar exploration (2002)
- Coyote Rising: A novel of interstellar revolution (2004)
- Coyote Frontier: A novel of interstellar colonization (2005)
- Coyote Horizon: A novel of interstellar discovery (2009)
- Coyote Destiny: A novel of interstellar civilization (2010)
Further, the Coyote Universe also contains these other novels:
- Spindrift (2007)
- The River Horses (2007)
- Galaxy Blues (2008)
Tropes used in Coyote include:
- And I Must Scream: Manuel Castro, trapped at the bottom of a lake with no stimulus for over a year.
- Anyone Can Die
- Alien Sky: Coyote orbits a gas giant, as seen in the page image above.
- Cool Starship: The URSS Alabama
- Cybernetics Eat Your Soul: The Savants. They orchestrate what becomes known as the Savant Genocide, orchestrated by the Savants in power to reduce the population of the Earth by one third, via disease, genocide, and all those lovely things. Averted by Castro.
- Cyborg: The Savants. The human brain is scanned and duplicated into a small quantum brain, and inserted into a robotic body.
- Death From Above: At the turning point of the revolution, the URSS Alabama is smashed into the Union Guard headquarters on Coyote at several times the speed of sound.
- Earth That Used to Be Better: Earth develops into this, especially in the last two books - to the point that the league of alien races disallows starbridge travel there.
- The Empire: The United Republic of America, a corrupt version of the USA which was created when facists gained power and started killing off the competition. Later replaced by the Western Hemisphere Union, a socialistic but very advanced nation which took control over both of the Americas, then launched 5 sleeper ships towards Coyote.
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