< Cougar Town

Cougar Town/YMMV

  • And the Fandom Rejoiced: TBS rescuing the show after ABC cancelled it.
  • Non Sequitur Scene: If you don't follow Community, Danny Pudi's brief cameo as an extra who looks into the camera and run off appears to be this. It's actually a plot thread from that show that his character, Abed, is a huge Cougar Town fan, and he was asked to appear as an extra. He's running off because he's pooped his pants from the stress.
  • Crowning Moment of Funny:
    • the first Season Finale.
    • Jules finds out Laurie and Grayson slept together before she and Grayson started dating, and her decision over who to be mad at turns into a full-blown parody of The Bachelor.
    • On 2x20, Grayson's impression of Travis is probably the hardest the show has even made me laugh, but then it was followed by he and Jules kissing...
  • Ensemble Darkhorse: Andy has managed to gather a fair few fans of his own.
  • Growing the Beard: Around the fifth episode, the show stopped focusing on Jules dating younger men and began to pay more attention to the entire cast-resulting in a much more enjoyable show.
    • Season 2 has received a better score on Metacritic (75-positive reviews) then the first season (50-mixed reviews), meaning the show might go from a niche to a well respected sitcom.
  • Hollywood Homely: She's 41, but she's also Courtney Cox. The only reason she might not be able to get dates is because she's a bit crazy. Though this is probably more averted than anything else as there are several indicators that it's more the crazy part rather than anything else such as supposedly homeliness.
  • Hollywood Pudgy: Averted with Laurie, who would be considered fat on any other show but here is not only considered hot but Really Gets Around.
  • Ho Yay: Quite a bit, especially between Andy and Bobby.
    • Moreso Andy for Bobby than the other way around, but it is definitely there on both sides.
  • Les Yay: Ellie and Jules have a ton of this. They're closer to each other than to anyone else, they spend hours talking, they admire how each other look, and they've discussed killing Ellie's husband so they can be together.
    • Season 3 reveals that Ellie goes commando under her wetsuit, and it's Jules rather than Andy who helps her put it on.
  • Magnificent Bastard: Andy is an expert at manipulating women into sex or whatever else he wants. He's even explicitly compared to Keyser Soze.
  • Most Wonderful Sound: *CLINK* PENNY-CAAAAANNNNN!
  • Needs More Love: Some would argue that the show doesn't deserve the lack of attention it receives.
    • Bill Lawrence has gone as far as to make videos on Facebook's Scrub page to give the show the advertising that ABC hasn't, although he quickly backpedaled out of this strategy and apologized.
  • Never Live It Down: The show's title, which still gets a lot of flak. Everyone from Bill Lawrence down have voiced that the title should be changed (esp. once the original premise was scrapped), but it was too late in the show's run, and a switch might have doomed the fledging show. So they've turned to lampshading it with couch gags on the title card and episode titles.
    • That said, some network executives have been on board with changing the title as well. The problem comes in finding one that fits, doesn't conflict with other shows or properties, doesn't completely confuse viewers trying to find it, and so forth.
  • Nightmare Fuel: Laurie's "devil face." May also double as a Crowning Moment of Funny.
  • Portmanteau Couple Name: Jules and Grayson play with that in a cold open. He starts with "Jayson", which obviously sucks because it's a real name. Jules counters with "Grules", which also sucks.
    • Also, the show is produced by Coquette productions, the production company run by David Arquette and Courtney Cox Arquette.
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