Coruscant Noir
Coruscant Noir is a trilogy of Fan Fiction stories set in the Star Wars universe about ten years prior to the events of The Phantom Menace. It's a Detective Drama centred around former cop turned Private Detective Jali Dawler and his dealings with a criminal organisation called the Silver Ring.
In the first story, The Seventh Star, Jali is out of prison and trying to clear his name. One of his friends says he has information about it, but then the friend dies...
The sequel, The White Twi'lek is around five years later and Jali is now a private detective. A woman comes to Jali's office to ask him to locate her husband. Jali and his new associate find the husband, dead.
The third story, set to be titled The Silver Ring has yet to be completed[when?] but is said to be the final part with no further stories about the characters.
- Action Girl: Antiene Laras, but she is a Jedi. This also makes her a Hot Chick with a Sword.
- Arch Enemy: Nuada Vekstar to Jali. A Classic Villain with an Eyeless Face (though he is a Miraluka). However, in The White Twi'lek it's implied that he's just The Dragon and the real villain is someone named Aurek.
- Bavarian Fire Drill: Jali manages to get into Nami's apartment this way, by posing as a delivery man with a bunch of flowers.
- Chained to a Bed
- Chase Scene: Played straight in The Seventh Star, where Jali is pursued by the police. Subverted in The White Twi'lek Jali chases what he thinks is a shooter in a spaceport, but is actually the Jedi Antiene Laras pursing the shooter who gets away.
- Cop Girlfriend: Pallavi Dashiell.
- Cruel and Unusual Death: Nami Kotour, who was strangled with her own leku.
- Distracted by the Sexy: Inverted. Jali tells Nami to put her clothes back on so he isn't distracted by her.
- Drop-Dead Gorgeous: Nami Kotour
- Fair Play Whodunnit
- Femme Fatale: Jali's girlfriend Tira Sengel and to some extent Kura.
- Friend on the Force: Tollan, until he dies.
- Gas Chamber: Tollan Antilles is sealed in inside a tank filled with carbon dioxide by Tira and dies of asphixiation.
- Honey Trap
- Knowledge Broker: Balor Gidderra but Guren is a more reliable one.
- It Works Better with Bullets: Jali sets up Xhen Rinner for this when he puts his gun on the table unloaded between them.
- Make It Look Like an Accident: This is what happens to Tollan Antilles.
- The Mistress: Nami Kotour.
- Mysterious Informant
- Private Detective: Jali Dawler, and to some extent his assistant Xhen Rinner.
- Shout-Out: Quite a number to the genre, Pallavi Dashiel, the restaurant Blackbirds.
- Smoking Is Cool: Jali smokes more as part of the genre, he does come across a rather strange No Smoking droid when he lights up at a spaceport.
- Sound-Only Death: This is how Xhen Rinner is killed, and Jali has only a vague idea who is responsible.
- Speech Impediment: Balor Giddera, an informant who lisps.
- Sympathetic Murderer: Arguably Tira Sengel but more accurately Xhen Rinner. Jali actually feels sorry for them and sees them as victims or tools of the real bad guy Nuada Vekstar.
- Title Drop The Seventh Star refers to a bar in Coruscant's underlevels which is a major location as well as where some important information is found. The white Twi'lek is a brothel madam who
- You Wouldn't Shoot Me: Jali uses this at the end of The Seventh Star to talk down Tira into not shooting him, and he does get the gun.