< Copy Cat Sue
Copy Cat Sue/Playing With
- Basic: A Mary Sue that's a blatant copy of a Canon character.
- Straight: Original Character Missy-Sue has a very similar backstory to Main Character Drake, and has similar powers and personality to boot.
- Exaggerated: Missy-Sue and Drake have so many similarities, Missy-Sue is almost an Opposite Gender Clone of Drake.
- Justified:
- Missy-Sue is an Opposite Gender Clone of Drake.
- Missy-Sue is an In-Universe Fan Girl who wants to be just like Drake.
- Inverted: Missy-Sue is in many ways the opposite of Drake in terms of both backstory and powers, making her a Shadow Archetype.
- Subverted:
- Missy-Sue is just a crazed fangirl who is trying to emulate Drake beacuse he's her hero.
- Missy-Sue is an Opposite Gender Clone created by the Big Bad to act as The Mole in the group's Five-Man Band.
- Double Subverted: She really does looks similar and have a similar backstory even before she heard of Drake.
- Parodied: A crazed fangirl goes out of her way to imitate Drake as much as possible.
- Deconstructed:
- Missy-Sue is an Opposite Gender Clone created by the Big Bad, given false memories similar to Drake's in order to study how he thinks. She breaks loose, meets up with the actual hero, and goes insane when she discoveres that her entire life is a lie.
- Drake's Sueish doppelganger is actually a Humanoid Abomination that was specifically designed by Emperor Evulz to be exactly like him for the purpose of eventually replacing him in the Five-Man Band so that they can no longer foil his Evil Plans. The copy eventually succeeds, but the other heroes catch on to the fact that "Drake" hasn't done any real hero-ing as of late, exile/murder the clone, and develop a paranoid fear that any one of them could be replaced at any moment, causing Fantastic Racism towards all clones and eventually causing them to kill each other over even the slightest' Out-of-Character Moment out of fear that they're Evulz's new clone mole. With the heroes infighting, nobody is left to oppose the bad guy.
- Reconstructed:
- As above, except that she ends up turning on the Big Bad and joining the Five-Man Band for good, eventually developing into a distinct character.
- The clone becomes the mask, pulls a Heel Face Turn, and replaces Drake to lead the team against Evulz.
- Zig Zagged: The writer can't decide how similar Missy-Sue is to Drake.
- Averted: A new character is introduced that is absolutely nothing like Drake.
- Enforced: "I got a great idea for a new character! It's just like Drake... only it's a girl! And she's even more awesome than Drake is!"
- Lampshaded: Drake's geeky friend suggests running away from her as soon as possible, since he's read enough bad Fanfiction to know what's coming next.
- Invoked: The Big Bad creates an Opposite Gender Clone of Drake as part of his mindscrewy tactics.
- Defied: A new character is introduced who has similar powers to Drake and a similar backstory, but has a very different personality.
- Discussed: Drake's nerdy friend calls Missy-Sue a blatant Copy Cat Sue to her face.
- Conversed: Fred writes fanfiction about Drake, and is about to introduce an OC like this when Jim explains why it's a bad idea.
- Plotted A Perfectly Good Waste: Missy-Sue is introduced as being very similar to Drake only more powerful. Rather than giving Drake the chance to ponder the implications of this and working up the drive to try and surpass Missy-Sue one day through hard work or clever tactics, he (or another supporting character) falls in love with Missy-Sue and the rest of the fic is a rather standard Romantic Comedy.
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Wait-I just said that...
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