< Cool as Ice

Cool as Ice/YMMV

  • Designated Hero: Ice, so very much. Just for starters, he introduces himself to the female lead by spooking her horse with his bike. She gets thrown off painfully, and could potentially have ended up with a crippling injury. Ice does not even apologize.
  • Fight Scene Failure: The scene where the crooks capture Kathy's brother.
  • Fridge Logic: The movie's tagline (which you can see on the image in the main page). "When a girl has a heart of stone, how can you melt it? Just add ice." You might just let the nonsense of melting something with ice pass considering it's an Incredibly Lame Pun, but how can you melt something made of stone?
    • Technically possible with some stones, although large amounts of heat are required. It just makes the statement even more hilariously wrong and the pun even more Incredibly Lame
  • Jerk Stu: Johnny, in spades. He demonstrates virtually no likable qualities, but quickly wins over Kathy and can easily convince his friends to assist in a potentially dangerous rescue.
  • Narm: In abundance, but to name a few moments...
    • "Where you going?" "Across the street to, uh, schling a schlong."
    • "Drop that zero & get with the hero."
    • During his performance at the local club: "I'm gonna drop some funky lyrics."
      • Better still, just look at the crowd. Where the hell are they, Nerdsville?
    • The scene where he somehow jumps the fence on a motorcycle without any sort of ramp.
    • The climactic fight scene.
    • The "date" at the construction site where they do little more than dance through a housing structure.
    • The kidnapping scene.
  • Retroactive Recognition: The cinematographer for this film? None other than Academy Award winner Janusz Kaminski.
  • Snark Bait: Like woah. The whole movie is over-saturated with copious amounts of The '90's, it's not even funny.
  • So Bad It's Good: This is definitely one for 'Bad Movie Night'.
  • Took the Bad Film Seriously: One of the odder aspects of this movie. There is almost no humor in it at all (aside from what's unintentional humor). Everyone was taking the Vanilla Ice movie way too seriously.
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