< Cooking Mama
Cooking Mama/YMMV
- So Bad It's Good: Not the games, but DEFINITELY the voice acting. Cooking Mama's voice is a Japanese person trying to speak English while adding an Italian twang... it gets some crazy results. ("I'll help you" sounds more like "Ahl-hev-buh-you", "Wonderful" sounds more like "Vundaherbuhl", etc.)
- Averted in the European Spanish dub of Cooking Mama 3, since they bothered to find a good voice actress who speaks Spanish well, and sounding cuter to boot.
- Also averted in the UK, where she has an English accent.
- They Changed It, Now It Sucks: When Mama speaks in anything that isn't Engrish, this is how fans react.
- Unfortunate Implications: And how! This game pretty much screams "Stay in the Kitchen" to women.
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