Constant Payne

Science-fiction One-Episode Wonder created in 2001 by Micah Wright that follows the adventures of Amanda and her scientist father, Dr. Payne. This would've been Nickelodeon's first action-adventure show, but was canned for various reasons.
You can read more about it and watch it here.
Tropes used in Constant Payne include:
- Action Girl: Amanda.
- Animesque: Well, it was animated at Madhouse Studios.
- Badass Normal: Dr. Payne.
- Beard of Evil: Dr. Payne's brother.
- Big No: Near the end when Amanda thinks her dad was killed in an explosion.
- Cain and Abel
- Evil Minions
- Good Scars, Evil Scars: Subverted; Dr. Payne, the hero, has a huge scar over his right eye, yet his evil brother has none.
- Mad Scientist
- Missing Mom: According to the creator, she was killed by terrorists.
- Multiple Demographic Appeal
- Never Say "Die": Avoided.
I thought you were — I thought you were like, dead or something!
- Outrun the Fireball
- Skunk Stripe: Dr. Payne and his brother.
- Steampunk: Mixed in with a bit of Tesla Punk.
- Thou Shalt Not Kill: Amanda stuns a bad guy and has him teetering on the edge of her airship, about to fall off. She saves him, then he goes "aha!" and lunges at her, only for her to punch him off the ship. Unlike the first time, however, he's still aware enough to pull his parachute cord before he hits the ground.
- However, it is implied earlier by one of the Faceless Mooks that they threw out one of the crewmen of the zeppelin they hijacked--without a parachute.
- Too Soon: There's a scene where a zeppelin grinds between buildings that look like the Twin Towers.
- Twenty Minutes Into the Future
- Virtual Paper Doll: Amanda has one in her room that lets her try on various hairstyles and outfits.
- What Could Have Been
- Zeppelins from Another World: Which doubles as the Cool Car.
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