< Confused Matthew

Confused Matthew/Funny

/wiki/Confused Matthewcreator
  • His reaction in Knowing when Cage's character says the caves won't save them, contradicting what he (Cage) said earlier:

Cage: THE CAVES WON'T SAVE US! NOTHING CAN! The radiation will penetrate a mile into the Earth's crust, do you hear me?!
Matthew: (in shocked tone) Then why did you tell your family to get into the sewer?!

    • "We have premium rates!"
  • His reaction to the alien attack on the Empire State Building in Independence Day.
  • ConfusedMatthew's reaction to Anakin's Line "Captain Rex will show you how a little respect will go a long way." in his review of the Star Wars Clone Wars movie: first a "shocked" drawing switches to an annoyed drawing complete with Godzilla roar, then CM proceeds to show most of the instances in the Prequel Trilogy where Anakin whines or blames everyone else for his troubles. He then concludes that this character cannot be Anakin Skywalker, so he dubs him "Woodstump" for the rest of the review.
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