< Concerned


Frohman: Whoa! I guess I actually went completely nuts with it. Just hope the next guy to use it doesn't see my lip-prints all over it.

Frohman: Ah-hah! Didn't think you'd ever see me again, eh, "doctor"? Now if you'll excuse me, I believe I hear a stunstick warming up, and for once, I won't be the one getting hit by it!
(Behind Frohman, the mook has removed his helmet and revealed himself as Barney)

      • From the following strip:

"Dear Dr. Breen. Help! I've been taken prisoner by an alcoholic and a stereotypical absent-minded professor! Send Striders!"

    • The Combine's Onion-like attempts to cover up Freeman's massacre at Nova Prospekt.
    • Frohman's interactions with water mines, particularly here, are always hilarious.
    • The notes for this comic.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: In one set of notes, the author bemoans the Mets' loss to the St. Louis Cardinals but figures that they'll probably get steamrolled by the Detroit Tigers anyway. Not quite...
    • In addition, much of the game itself, if one considers the comic to be canon, turning it from an epic drama into an epic screwball farce.
    • The last strip. Yeah, it's "The Life and Death Of Gordon Frohman", but fans were still genuinely upset in the forums about Gordon's demise.
  • He's Just Hiding: Despite reading the title, many loyal readers were outraged and in denial once poor Frohman finally got offed.
    • Concerned 2, an unofficial sequel, revealed that Frohman was brought Back from the Dead by simply re-loading from the last checkpoint.
    This article is issued from Allthetropes. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.