< Conan (TV series)

Conan (TV series)/YMMV

  • Accidental Innuendo: A classic blooper occurred in the interview with Julianne Hough. She got to talking about wearing "Daisy Dukes" shorts for a movie. Tom Selleck, who was the first guest, asked her if the shorts were wet, as a Brick Joke to what he was talking about in the first segment. Of course, it goes without saying that asking if the shorts are wet can be taken more than one way, and Conan got up and walked around while the audience laughed.
  • And Team Coco Rejoiced: Conan's back on TV again! Yay!
    • As of mid-August 2011, Conan has finally started airing in Finland. Their Golden God has returned!
    • Triumph the Insult Comic Dog and the Masturbating Bear appearing during the NYC shows. Both hadn't appeared since the short-lived Tonight Show, and even there, they weren't on very much.
      • Speaking of things which haven't been seen in a while, the 12/8/2011 episode finally saw a return of the Synchro-Vox/Clutch Cargo interviews, which hasn't been used since the Late Night days. Conan interviewed Donald Trump and Arnold Schwarzenegger.
  • Broken Base: Bearded Conan vs clean-shaven Conan seems to be becoming this, at least right after Will Ferrell shaved him.
    • Slid into Fan Dumb territory sometimes when some fans claimed that they wouldn't watch clean-shaven Conan because "He's funnier with the beard". Never mind that somehow the existence or non-existence of a bit of facial hair is hardly going to change a performer's act, they also seemed to have forgotten that Conan had been on television for 17 years without the beard aside from a few weeks during the writer's strike.
  • Crazy Awesome: The first-year Christmas decorations, which include King Kong holding Santa's Sleigh, Godzilla with a candy cane, a UFO, "San-magnetron-Claus", the Rabbi Robot (which is inexplicably reading the New Testament), and a giant Christmas Chicken Sandwich!
    • In the segment immediately following the unveiling of the new Christmas set, Conan had the Godzilla deflated because the fan was making too much noise, and he could barely hear Andy, so he was afraid he wouldn't be able to hear his guests. A few minutes later he said there's still a lot of noise in the background; maybe it's the chicken sandwich? The crowd immediately responded, "NOOOOOOOOOOO!" (The chicken sandwich stayed).
      • Godzilla was back the following night, however.
  • Crosses the Line Twice: The Human Centipede Menorah. Completely hilarious in an "I can't believe they actually went there" kind of way.
  • Estrogen Brigade: The HCPN (Hot Coco Picture Night) Wenches. Go to the Team Coco Facebook page on a Sunday night to witness lots of R-rated drooling over photos of Conan.
  • Finns Love Conan O'Brien: mainly due to his resemblance to Finnish president Tarja Halonen (a fact that he pointed out a few times on Late Night). The show finally started airing in Finland as of mid-August 2011, And the Finns Rejoiced.
  • Harsher in Hindsight: Jon Cryer appeared on the show and cracked about how he had to watch "TMZ to see if I'll be going to work that day"., referring to the frequent troubles of his Two and A Half Men co-star Charlie Sheen. Guess who was hospitalized merely a day later, stopping production on the show and kicking off a downward spiral that finally led to him being fired?
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: When the April 5, 2011 episode went Off the Rails Conan used his standard line that "This show will never air." This was eerily accurate for the west coast TBS feed that night, which showed dead air, about 20 minutes straight of commercials, and then parts of the show completely out of order.
  • Ho Yay: Between Conan and Andy.
  • Serial Numbers Filed Off:
    • Whenever Conan does his Donald Trump impression, the band plays something that sounds almost but not quite like "For The Love of Money" (The Apprentice theme song). This annoys Conan, so of course they keep doing it. Eventually Conan said it was starting to sound like the transition music from Seinfeld.
    • Similarly, the sketch "Basic Cable Name That Tune" has the band playing something that sounds like a famous but expensive to license song complete with goofy lyrics that match the meaning of the original, and audience members are asked to guess which song it almost sounds like.
      • "Have Intercourse With Yourself" was particularly amusing.

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