Green Beret
Full name: Jack "Butcher" O'Hara
Appearances: Commandos: Behind Enemy Lines, Commandos: Beyond The Call Of Duty, Commandos 2: Men Of Courage, Commandos 3: Destination Berlin.
- Anti-Hero: He was arrested once for slapping his superior officer. He's also a former boxer.
- Badass
- BFS: Artworks commonly shows him with a machete-size knife. The manual and in-game information describe the knife as a "Fairbarn-Sykes fighting knife" (the standard knife of the British Commandos), which was a lot smaller.
- The Big Guy: A rare instance of one also being The Hero.
- Blood Knight
- Bunny Ears Commando: Both his biography and a deleted scene from Destination Berlin state that he'd be in prison if he wasn't such a damn good commando.
- The Butcher: Suverted. He doesn't receive this nickname because of some sadistic tendencies, but because he uses a knife as Weapon of Choice.
- The Captain
- Charles Atlas Superpower: In Destination Berlin, he's able to fire mounted machine guns while carrying them.
- He's also able to carry barrels of fuel by himself.
- Fighting Irish
- Good Old Fisticuffs: He was Army boxing champion four years in a row.
- The Hero
- Implacable Man / Made of Iron: Can survive more damage than the other characters.
- Knife Nut: "This group of soliders has been isolated from its squad. Let's see if we can offer them a hand. Or a knife."
- Lightning Bruiser: He can run quicker than anyone barring the Thief.
- Military Maverick: Was sentenced to fourteen years of hard labour after striking an officer. His sentence was suspended upon volunteering for the commandos. According to the tutorials, he is violent and undisciplined, but is more of a nightmare for the enemy than he is for his superiors.
- Nice Hat
- Noodle Incident: During Destination Berlin's tutorial, he mentions being shot during a mission to Colditz castle for which the Sniper apologises, claiming it to be an accident. It's not mentioned if the Sniper accidentally shot him or failed to cover him as the enemy fired upon him.
- Shout-Out to the penultimate mission of Men Of Courage.
- Oireland: Mostly averted.
- One-Man Army: He's accurately identified as such in the tutorials. Also, his biography mentions that he entered a bunker with a bullet in the arm and no ammo and killed sixteen enemy soldiers.
- Rise from Your Grave: One of his abilities is burying himself in sand or snow to avoid detection. He can then get up once the enemy has passed by and surprise him.
- Shout-Out: He's very loosely based on John Wayne's character from The Green Berets.
- Sleeves Are for Wimps: Even in the fucking snow in Behind Enemy Lines; in the North Pole mission of Men of Courage he can be frozen to death if he stays outside too long without special winter clothing, in the Stalingrad mission of Destination Berlin he wears all the time relevant winter clothing.
- Weapon of Choice: His knife.
The Driver
Full name: Samuel "Brooklyn" Perkins/Sid "Tread" Perkins
Appearances: Commandos: Behind Enemy Lines, Commandos: Beyond The Call Of Duty, Commandos 2: Men Of Courage.
- The Ace: He gets the best guns, is the only one which can man machine gun nests and vehicles, is The Medic in occassion, and he's the token American. However, in later games, he gets molotov cocktails, cs grenades and the beartrap to compensate for the fact that everyone else can use all the guns. By the third game, he is no longer a member of the team.
- Badass Decay
- Badass Driver
- Anti-Hero: He's an American criminal that only avoids extradition because he is serving in the British Army.
- Brother Chuck: Removed from Destination Berlin. Justified in that from Men Of Courage onwards, his specialisations (namely, being able to drive and being able to use rifles and SMGs) are available to everyone.
- Cluster F-Bomb: When sustaining injury, at least.
- The Driver: Well, duh.
- The Medic: Depending of the map.
- Universal Driver's License
- Weapon of Choice: Submachine guns and mounted machine guns.
The Marine
Full name: James "Fins" Blackwood
Appearances: Commandos: Behind Enemy Lines, Commandos: Beyond The Call Of Duty, Commandos 2: Men Of Courage, Commandos 3: Destination Berlin.
- Anti-Hero
- The Alcoholic: That's all you need to know.
- Cool Boat: His Zodiac inflatable boat is pretty neat.
- One mission allows him to use a sub to torpedo enemy ships.
- Deadpan Snarker: He sounds very sarcastic when given orders in Behind Enemy Lines.
- Demoted to Extra: Only appears in one mission in Destination Berlin.
- Knife Nut
- Throwing Your Sword Always Works
- Weapon of Choice: Harpoon Gun and knife throwing.
The Sapper
Full name: Thomas "Fireman/Inferno" Hancock
Appearances: Commandos: Behind Enemy Lines, Commandos: Beyond The Call Of Duty, Commandos 2: Men Of Courage, Commandos 3: Destination Berlin.
- The Big Guy: Not in terms of physical size, but in terms of damage dealt what with all the Stuff Blowing Up.
- Mighty Glacier: He's also one of the slowest runners. The manual states that this is due to all the explosives he carries and in Men Of Courage, he mentions that he has to carry a lot of extra equipment.
- Did Not Do the Research: A less obvious example. His biography states that he's from Liverpool, but in not one of the games does he have a Liverpool accent.
- Made even more jarring by the fact that the British submarine crew in the Men Of Courage missions "Das Boot: Silent Killers" and "White Death" (with the exception of The Captain) all have scouse accents.
- Hollywood Pudgy: According to the Thief anyway.
- Mad Bomber: To your enemies.
- Stuff Blowing Up: He, as the explosives expert, is the only one who can throw grenades in the earlier games (something of a gap in the others' training it seems, though this is changed in Destination Berlin), and only he can detonate timebombs and radio-controlled bombs, and deactivate landmines.
- BFG: The Bazooka in Men of Courage and Destination Berlin, which only he (and nameless allied soldiers) can use.
- Oop North
- Playing with Fire: Can use a flamethrower.
- Vitriolic Best Buds: Seems to have developed this with The Thief.
- Weapon of Choice: Grenades in the first games, bazooka and flamethrower in Men of Courage and Destination Berlin.
The Sniper
Full name: Sir Francis T. "Duke" Woolridge
Appearances: Commandos: Behind Enemy Lines, Commandos: Beyond The Call Of Duty, Commandos 2: Men Of Courage, Commandos 3: Destination Berlin.
- Cold Sniper
- Crippling Overspecialization: Take the sniper rifle (with very limited bullets) out of him and he's basically useless.
- Problem solved in Men of Courage, since everyone minus the Thief and Natasha is able to knock enemies unconscious and truss them up.
- Cultured Badass
- Hollywood Silencer: The problem is that the sniper rifle doesn't even have a suppressor on it. But it still has one of these built in. Justified in that if it were a loud weapon, the sniper would be utterly useless.
- The Medic: When the Driver is not available.
- Redheaded Hero
- Weapon of Choice: His rifle, of course.
The Spy
Full name: Rene "Frenchy/Spooky" Duchamp
Appearances: Commandos: Behind Enemy Lines, Commandos: Beyond The Call Of Duty, Commandos 2: Men Of Courage, Commandos 3: Destination Berlin.
- Cunning Linguist: Can speak English, French, German, Russian and Italian fluently.
- Dressing as the Enemy
- The Medic: He takes this role occasionally. Be sure you don't use the wrong needle in this case.
- La RĂ©sistance: He is a member of the French Resistance.
- The Smart Guy
- Weapon of Choice: His poisoned needle.
- Younger Than They Look: According to the manual, he is in his early-to-middle thirties. There is an official artwork where he looks to be at least twenty years older than his actual age.
- Fridge Brilliance: The character is a kind of Master of Disguise.
The Seductress
Full name: Natasha "Lips" Nikochevski
Appearances: Commandos: Beyond The Call Of Duty, Commandos 2: Men Of Courage.
- Action Girl: In Men of Courage.
- The Chick
- Dressing as the Enemy
- Ms. Fanservice
- Retcon: In Beyond The Call Of Duty, her full name was Natasha Van Der Zand, and her birth place was the Netherlands. In Men Of Courage, her name was changed to Natasha Nikochevski, and her birth place was changed to Kiev, Soviet Union.
- Sensual Slavs
- Show Some Leg: Her main ability against the enemies.
- Take a Level In Badass: She became a sniper between Beyond The Call Of Duty and Men Of Courage.
- Weapon of Choice: Her charms, and sniper rifles in Men of Courage.
- And wine bottles.
The Thief
Full name: Paul "Lupin" Toledo
Appearances: Commandos 2: Men Of Courage, Commandos 3: Destination Berlin.
- Anti-Hero
- Does Not Like Guns: Rarely, if ever, starts a mission armed.
- Fragile Speedster
- Gentleman Thief
- Older Than They Look: His face looks like a teen. He is also the smallest character, so he can be easily mistaken for a child considering the graphics of the game. The manual says that he is in his late-twenties.
- The Sixth Ranger
- Team Pet: His mouse, Spike.
- Vitriolic Best Buds: With the Sapper.
- Weapon of Choice: His high kick, and a piano wire in Destination Berlin.
Whiskey The Dog
Appearances: Commandos 2: Men Of Courage.
- Non-Action Guy: Well, he is a dog.
- Team Pet
- The Cameo: Appears in the ending for Strike Force
- The Nose Knows: Able to detect mines.
Wilson the cast away
Appearances: Commandos 2: Men Of Courage.
- The Aloner: He was one until the Japaneses built a base on his island (see the Older Than They Look entry below).
- Cloudcuckoolander: He described the Japanese garnison as "demons", and the noise of the island artillery as "thunder".
- Non-Action Guy
- Older Than They Look: The character looks to be on his forties. When first reached, he mentions to be a soldier of the Queen Victoria. Victoria died in 1901, the briefing of the mission states that it is set in 1942. Do the maths...
- Shout-Out: To the movie Cast Away.