Commando 2

Commando 2 is a flash Platform Game by It heavily borrows many graphics from Metal Slug, however, the game offers many unique aspects. The player controls a commando fighting his way through Asia in 4 different levels. The player's aim and firing is mouse-controlled, can carry up to six weapons on hand, and can take more than one hit to die.

You can play it here.

Tropes used in Commando 2 include:
  • Attack Drone: The SE-40 Prowse fires 3 little "spider mines" that run into enemies and blow up.
  • Bottomless Magazines: Some of your weaker weapons have this trait.
  • The Computer Is a Cheating Bastard: The second phase of the Final Boss suffers from this. It has a laser weapon that does a lot of damage. Normally, you'd be able to crouch it, but the platform you're on keeps waving up and down, and you're bound to get hit no matter what.
  • Crosshair Aware: Snipers. Before you actually see them on screen, you'll be seeing their crosshair. Let it land on you, and you'll be hit for an unavoidable amount of large damage.
  • Everything Trying to Kill You: Besides the obvious soldiers, we also have cannibals, mosquito swarms, Deadly Gas, crocodiles, and malevolent patches of swamp grass.
  • Deadly Gas: One of the two possible paths in stage 4 leads you to an area filled with toxic gas that drains the player's health if they stand in it.
  • Degraded Boss: The Kungfu Warrior boss of stage 2 makes a return in Stage 4 as a Mini Boss.
  • Elite Mook: Several. They range from a katana-wielding officer, to a martial-arts general, to Ninjas, to the zombie soldiers in the final stage.
  • Expy: The Kungfu Warrior boss is one to Ryu from '"Street Fighter. He uses Hadoukens, Shoryukens and the spinning kick!
    • The Warlord Samurai is suspiciously similar to the second boss of Metal Slug 4, being a segmented rocket which you destroy from bottom to top.
  • Giant Enemy Crab: The "Crabocolypse", a Humongous Mecha crab which you fight on a train.
  • Giant Mook: Tanks, trucks, bomber planes.
  • Guide Dang It: The barrel on the toxic waste water. A sniper on top fires at the water to push the barrel away, leaving the player unable to jump directly on it (no thanks to a low ceiling). Most people do not know that, in order to get the barrel to reach you, you have to fire at the toxic water near the far end of the barrel- the water ripples will push the barrel towards you.
  • Humongous Mecha: Crabocolypse. Also, the Mini Boss you fight when riding on a truck.
  • Katanas Are Just Better: Subverted. One of the first few weapons you can get is a katana, it does good damage but has very short range and later weapons outclass it.
  • Ki Attacks: The Kungfu Warrior, of course.
  • More Dakka: There are many rapid-fire weapons, but the Kee-Jerk Terminator stands out. It fires two damaging shots at one go, and for every five shots you make, it fires out a deadly missile comparable to the P-25 Maisto.
    • The. Big. Lester.
  • Multishot: The Scorpion and the Logan-35 shoot a spread of three exploding arrows, making it very useful against both enemies and bosses.
  • New Game+: After beating the four levels on easy, you get to do it on Normal. Then if you manage to beat those four, you get to play it again on Hard!
  • Nintendo Hard: Normal Mode and above. You take a lot more damage than usual.
  • Macross Missile Massacre: Done by the first and third phase of the Warlord Samurai. The Pequeno-R25 can let you pull this off on enemies... as long as you are the male character, who gets faster missile launchers. (Before you cry sexism, let it be said that the female character also gets speed bonuses. And she holds her dagger backhand.)
  • Made of Iron: Your character, but only in Easy and maybe Normal.
  • Sequential Boss: The Warlord Samurai, a segmented rocket with a samurai head on top.
  • Shout-Out: The whole game is one to Metal Slug, of course.
  • Spread Shot: Type 1 is used by countless enemies, while Crabocolypse has a Spray Burst as well.
  • Swamps Are Evil: The first half of the third mission takes place in a swamp, filled with crocodiles, mosquitoes, and killer grass (that make you get stuck on Normal and Hard). Worst part is that the final swamp area has said killer grass traps obscured by foreground brambles, so watch where you jump!
  • Temple of Doom: The second half of the third mission, filled with narrow ledges, pitfalls, Spikes of Doom and laser turrets. Yes, laser turrets.
  • The Worf Effect: The first time you encounter the Kungfu Warrior, he is surrounded by four elite Mooks... and promptly punches all four of them away in a single blow, just to show off how strong he is.
  • Traintop Battle: The battle against Crabocolypse is this.
  • Turns Red: The first three bosses- The Sling Raider gets a new ability to charge forward and impale your character on its Spikes of Doom, the Kungfu Warrior literally turns red and gets much more deadly attacks (and in Commando 3, he has a second rage level where he turns PURPLE), the Crabocolypse starts spamming fireballs and bombs.
  • Wave Motion Gun: The second phase of the Warlord Samurai, as well as the Warlord Samurai's head.
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