< Comedy of Remarriage
Comedy of Remarriage/Playing With
Basic Trope: The Official Couple was married, but got divorced, only to get back together and remarry.
- Straight: Alice and Bob used to be married, but wound up divorced after things didn't work out between them. Brought back together by some quirk of fate, they fall back in love and ultimately decide to remarry.
- Exaggerated: Alice and Bob used to be madly in love and had a daughter, Bella. However, they went through a vicious breakup and divorced. Now Bob is dating Candy and Alice is engaged to David. Bella does everything in her power to get the two of them back together, with the support of all of Bob and Alice's friends, relatives and coworkers. In the end, they succeed in pushing the two of them back together, while Candy and David hook up.
- Justified: ???
- Inverted: ???
- Subverted: Although Bob is clearly interested in getting back together, Alice rejects him, choosing to marry David instead.
- Double Subverted: Though she chose David over Bob, Alice changes her mind at the last moment and ditches him at the altar.
- Parodied: ???
- Deconstructed: Although they rediscover their feelings for one another, neither one has actually resolved the problems that ended their original marriage. Hooking back up turns out to be a heat of the moment emotional thing, and their remarriage struggles for the same reasons. Meanwhile, those caught in the middle are deeply hurt. David in particular takes it hard, and when Alice ends up on the outs with Bob, he refuses to take her back.
- Reconstructed: During their time apart, Alice and Bob both grew and matured, changing for the better and no longer doing the things that drove them apart in the first place. Because of this, they are able to rekindle their relationship, now older and wiser and better prepared for the commitment of marriage.
- Zig Zagged: Bob and Alice used to be an Official Couple, but didn't get married before breaking up. They later rekindle their relationship and get married, only to struggle
- Averted: ???
- Enforced: ???
- Lampshaded: ???
- Invoked: Candy and David fall in Love At First Sight and secretly steer Bob and Alice back towards each other so they can hook up without coming off like a couple of shallow opportunists.
- Exploited: ???
- Defied: ???
- Discussed: ???
- Conversed: ???
- Played For Laughs: Everyone Can See It, including Candy and David, who immediately become Shippers On Deck.
- Played For Drama: Candy turns out to be a Yandere who's Dangerously Genre Savvy. Seeing the writing on the wall, she decides to get rid of Alice while she still can... even if it means taking out the genuinely Nice Guy David in the process.
- Back to Comedy of Remarriage
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