Before hood films such as Boyz N the Hood and Menace II Society came along in the 90's, there was Colors. Directed by the late Dennis Hopper, Colors stars Academy Award winners Sean Penn, known for films such as Mystic River, Milk, and Fast Times at Ridgemont High; and Robert Duvall, who's known for roles such as Boo Radley in To Kill a Mockingbird film adaption and Tom Hagen in The Godfather Part I & II.
Tropes used in Colors include:
- Fanservice Extra: A naked woman is among those arrested when the police raid a drug house. She does absolutely nothing in the scene -- or for the scene -- except be the subject of Penn's Male Gaze. You can see it here at the 4-minute mark, definitely NSFW. The actress is uncredited.
- This is probably not so much Fan Service as it is an attempt by the film to show that Penn, like all men, is a pervert.
- Tear Jerker: Hodge's death. And the scene pans back in a Flyaway Shot making it even more dramatic.
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