College Future Generation
College Future Generation! is a webcomic, created by a woman simply known as Nise, about a short girl's budding adventures through college to become a typical Filipino nurse. Her friends are crazy, zany and maybe, just maybe a little too cool for some mainstream kiddies out there. Or that's what she wants to say to make herself sound like she's in the "in crowd".
It's more or less a gag-per-day webcomic, or journal webcomic, filled with light-hearted comedy, characters and story. It's notable for its evolving art style as the issues progress, as well as having reflections, such as some characters and events, from the creator's real life.
Most of her comics can be found on DeviantArt. Be careful though, a few of them are in another gallery.
Tropes used in College Future Generation include:
- Adorkable: Pretty much everybody, especially Lonnie.
- All Women Are Prudes: Subverted brilliantly in the 2 parter "The Dirtiest Comic Ever."
- Angst: Illustrated in the 1 panel comic "Angst."
- Art Evolution: Like most webcomics.
- Art Shift: Every now and then, the art style changes.
- Bold Inflation: Motherfuckin COLORS!
- Butt Monkey: Nise, Chad, and Lonnie.
- Deadpan Snarker: Everybody with a name. ESPECIALLY Chad.
- Despair Event Horizon: Played for laughs with Jae and Troy in "They're Disappointed."
- Double Entendre: ALL the time, if they even bother with that.
- Expy: Everybody except Slendy and Masky is based on a real life person.
- Even the Guys Want Him: Buff Slenderman turns Troy "A little Gay."
- Funny Background Event: Happens occasionally, if you look.
- Funny Foreigner: Nise's dad needs a candle for the "brown out."
- Gag Haircut: Chad in "New Look." Poor guy.
- Hipster: Hipster Chad, of course.
- Incredibly Lame Pun: It's BO time!
- Mistaken for Gay: You probably will with Lonnie and Chad. Though Nise confirmed they weren't in the very beginning of the series.
- Nightmare Fetishist: Nise calls "When Cats Attack" cute!
- No Periods, Period: Averted, Nise's "time of the month" is the base of a few comics.
- Precision F-Strike: Invoked by Chad in "EGO", it even causes a Stunned Silence.
- Real Life Writes the Plot: It very often does. The most notable being the story behind "Sexual Frustration."
- Rule 34: Tumblr hits Nise with it.
- The Slender Man Mythos: Slendy and Masky are both recurring characters.
- Token Minority: Averted, Nise and friends are pretty racially diverse
- Totally Radical: Happens on occasion.
- What Do You Mean It's Not Awesome?: See incredibly lame pun.
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