Codename: Kids Next Door/Funny

  • "Operation: F.U.G.I.T.I.V.E."

Numbuh 86: Of all the stupid things in the stupid world of stupid people acting stupid, you boys are the stupidliest! It's like you're trying to win a stupid contest but you're too stupid to take a stupidity test!!

Numbuh 362: You idiot! I was this close to getting the Delightful Children's plans! And then you attack me from out of nowhere! Whose side are you on anyway? I'm ashamed to call you a girl! I never thought a girl could be so stupid! You are by far the most idiotic person I have ever, ever met!

    • What's even funnier is that Numbuh 86 finally gets her comeuppance for antagonizing Sector V for the duration of the episode.
    • Number 86 spazzing out during the incident with the toenail collection.
    • And even before she gets covered in them and completely loses it, we get this gem:

Numbuh 86: (voice wavering) Whu-what's that?
Delightful Children: It's... our toenail collection.
Numbuh 86: Toenails? (gags, sputters, otherwise flips out) That's disgusting!
Delightful Children: It is not! It's more like... a hobby. (laugh evilly as they close in on Numbuh 86)

    • As Numbuh 86 goes on a tirade, Numbuh 4 whispers to Numbuh 2: "Man, who put a bee in her undies?" Near the end of the episode...

Numbuh 3: Man, who put a bee in her undies?

Numbuh 4: (looks at Numbuh 3 with shock)

  • "Operation: T.R.A.I.N.I.N.G."
    • When Father finds the safe containing the Kids Next Door code module at the Arctic training base:

Henchman: I think it's locked!
Father: Really? Well, guess we'll just have to pack up and go... OF COURSE IT'S LOCKED!!!

    • "Hey, Fireface! Looking for this Code Module thingy?"
      • Not to mention that Father finds out it's an autograph book, and is impressed on it having Numbuh 362's autograph.

Numbuh 60: Any questions?
Tommy: Oooh, I have one! I know Numbuh One! And Numbuh Two is my brother! I even have all their autographs from when I went on a mission with them!
Numbuh 60: (facepalm) That is not a question, Tommy.

    • Every time Father bursts into flames, the ice above him melts and splashes him. Helps to turn that power of his into Nightmare Retardant.
    • Two of Father's henchmen threaten to put Tommy, Lee and Sonia into a broom closet. Cue Sonia freaking out and Tommy and Lee shivering in fear as she beats the two guards into submission.
  • Number 74.239 playing around with the Voice Changer. "Nigel Uno, I am your father!" And then Numbuh Infinity's reaction as he grabs the voice changer: "Give me that!"
  • Numbuh Four's abysmal spelling in "Operation: R.O.B.B.E.R.S.":

Numbuh Five: I'm telling you -- the word "chicken" does not have a "2" in it.
Numbuh Four: Well it does now!

Wally: (as Kuki is crying on Hoagie's shoulder) And would you mind hugging your own wife instead of mine?!
Hoagie: Hey! You're not Abby!

Cree: But before we could even get to the Moonbase, the stupid pilots got into an argument about trading cards and accidentally hit the Blow-Up-The-Engines button. Ugh! Who else but a bunch of stupid kids would put a Blow-Up-The-Engines button on a spaceship?!

  • Sweet merciful Numbuh Zero, "Operation: S.I.T.T.E.R.". Just... "Operation: S.I.T.T.E.R.". Numbuh Two tries to seduce Cree.
    • Made even funnier when you remember that as cheesy as all the bad French he uses sounds to us, it must have been even worse for Cree as she herself is half-French.

Cree: (blankly stares, then facepalm) This is so not worth 8 bucks an hour.

    • Also,

Tommy: I don't wanna go to bed yet! You can't make me!
Cree: Oh, I applaud your braver-- (clapping activates disco ball) THAT'S IT!

  • How about this little exchange from "Operation: Z.E.R.O."?

Numbuh Four: Listen Numbuh Five... I...I don't wanna fight you!
Zombified Numbuh Five: I know! Cause you're the weakest, shortest, dumbest, most chicken, big mouth squirt on the whole team!!
Numbuh Four: (raging) OKAY! NOW I WANNA FIGHT YOU!

  • While they do serve as Nightmare Fuel most of the time some of the lines of the Delightful Children From Down The Lane are pretty damn funny.
    • For example: "Hello Kids Next Door. Perhaps you would like to try kicking our posteriors now?"
    • "A heater? Who puts a heater in an ice cream factory?!"
    • When Billy in the crossover episode asks to use their new device as a bathroom, they allow him... before realizing just what he's about to do. Including the flushing. "NO! NOT THAT!"
  • In the episode where Numbuh Two turns into a teenager and goes out with Cree, Cree's reaction to finding out she had made out with Numbuh Two was hilarious.

Numbuh Two: (as Cree makes constant spitting noises) Aww come on, it wasn't that bad was it?

  • "Operation B.E.A.C.H."

Numbuh Three: Well, how about you Numbuh 4? Do you wanna be my Prince Charming?
Numbuh Four: And miss being buried in the sand? Fat chance!

    • Numbuh Four's repeated reasoning for why he's saving Numbuh Three from having to marry King Sandy: "She just owes me a quarter!!!"
  • "Operation: S.U.P.P.O.R.T." in its entirety.

Numbuh Two: What's a bra?
Numbuh One: (suspiciously) And what's she "training" for?

    • B.R.A. = Battle Ready Armor
      • Made all the funnier when Chad shows up with one in "Operation S.L.U.M.B.E.R.".
  • In "Operation: D.A.T.E." Lizzie appears as Numbuh One is confronting the Delightful Children:

Lizzie: Nigel Uno, I'd like a word with you!
Delightful Children: What is the meaning of th--
Lizzie: SHUT UP!

  • "Operation C.A.T.S."

Numbuh Four: I'm not your kitty, lady! I'm MISTER HUGGYKINS!

  • "Operation Z.E.R.O."

Numbuh Four: Hey Spankaholic! Time to teach you the Australian word for "ouch"!
Count Spankulot: Ridiculousness! Those who fail to realize that the Australian word for "ouch" would still be "ouch" will be--
(Numbuh Four pulls out a gun that SHOOTS A KANGAROO)

Spankulot: (beat) Is that a kangaroo?

  • As Mr. Boss is about to escape:

Mr. Boss: So long, kid! I hope your friend likes Pluto! (entire building crashes on top of him)

  • From "Operation: R.A.B.B.I.T.":

Numbuh Two: (upon seeing the desolate First Grade hallway) Man, those school budget cuts are murder.

    • At the end, when returning the Frist Graders pet rabbit restores them...

Numbuh Two: But man, I'm so hungry, it's not even bunny! (Starts to laugh until Numbuh Five hits him for making that joke)

  • Numbuh One turning into a total fanboy in "Operation: Z.E.R.O." when he realize that his father used to be the legendary Numbuh Zero.
  • "Operation: I.T."
    • The entire KND is having a worldwide game of tag, with the person who is "it" at the end of the game becoming the next Soopreme Leader. Everyone is trying their hardest to avoid being "it" at the end of the game... right up until someone accidentally tags Numbuh Thirteen. Cue the dogpile.
    • Bonus points that he was the only operative besides Father excited to get the position.

Numbah Thirteen: HOT DOG! I'm gonna be the leader of the Kids Next Door!
Operative: OH NO YOU DON'T! (dogpile)

  • In "Operation L.O.V.E.", which musical fans will recognize as a spoof of West Side Story. Let's count the ways:
  • So, how do you stop a giant rampaging Rainbow Monkey? By giving it the "Rainbow Monkey Goodbye Hug". So, who has to deliver this hug? Numbuh Four.
  • "Operation: S.P.I.N.A.C.H."
    • We have two hilarious things coming in on the same time: The Spinach Inquisition, and Sector V singing lyrics in the style of Green Eggs and Ham.
    • Nigel's banter.

Vespinacio: You speak-a the blasphemy-a!
Nigel: Fluently.

  • "Operation N.A.U.G.H.T.Y.": The secret weapon the elves used to get Numbuh Three to surrender her presents.
  • The reveal of Numbah 86's father. Mr. Boss.
    • What's even better is the return of Sonia's fear of the dark. She beats Mr. Boss while the male operatives—including Numbuh One—have to stare at her with absolute horror.
  • A car carrier for cruise ships, among other everyday sights in "Operation: I.N.T.E.R.V.I.E.W.S." Even by the show's usual standards, that episode was insane.
  • When the episode is titled "Operation: C.L.O.W.N.", hilarity is probably to be expected. Not only does Hoagie get in a decent joke for once ("Knock knock, who's there, not me!"), he then runs away from the clowns determined to never let him be funny again... and into the Big Top, where he proceeds to run over a seesaw, have an elephant fall on the other side so that he gets catapaulted into the grip of a trapese artist, is tossed into a cannon, and is finally fired onto a tight rope. Cut to audience member Abby, wide-eyed and mouth stuffed with popcorn.
  • The reveal that Numbuh 1 has a big butt and all the joke puns everybody makes at his expense.
  • Also from Z.E.R.O. Numbuh 1 (in regards to the Delightful Children From Down The Lane) "Next stop: way down the lane!"
  • Operation L.I.C.O.R.I.C.E: Number 5 challenges Stickybeard to a sugar swallowing contest. When Stickybeard decides to not do so, she replies "Unless you're...sugar-free." Cue all the pirates going "Oooh..."
  • Operation G.R.A.D.U.A.T.E. We get to see the Delightful Children turned into sheep.
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