Code Name: Hunter

Code Name: Hunter - Cover of Issue 9
"Diplomacy is hard. Mixing diplomacy with magic is harder."—The Tagline
In a parallel world with Furries but no humans, an age old barrier in London designed to prevent magic entering the world had been broken by German bombing in WWII and a secret British Government Agency develops around it to police the magic and maintain the Masquerade. Focuses on two agents, Hunter and Gypsy. Also in dead-tree format.
The Royal Center for Special Investigations has the difficult task of protecting Britain from loose magic. There's only one problem: England doesn't have any powerful, trained mages.
Read it here. Rated PG-13 for mild violence, language, adult themes and trigger happy redheads.
Tropes used in Code Name: Hunter include:
- Action Girl: Ruby, AKA Agent Gypsy.
- Art Evolution: Extremely subtle, but the changes are there.
- Mostly related to the late-2008 change in how the pages are drawn and colored.
- Badass Longcoat: Averted by this [dead link] reporter.
- Character Development: Slow, but, it's there.
- The Chick: Sissy Simmons, to the point that she drags Gypsy off, kicking and screaming, on a shopping expedition.
- Cute Bruiser: Agent Gypsy again.
- In the no-longer cannom flashback arcs, she has sent 2 of her superiors to the hospital. One of them has been permanently relegated to desk work due to injuries she caused.
- The Fair Folk: The Fey are characterised as being rather dangerous to mere mortals. Making use of a Fey gate is generally viewed as suicidal.
- Full Name Ultimatum: Hunter to Gypsy:
Hunter: "Rubella Jane Pyrennes!"
Gypsy: "Oh! I know you did not just use me full name."
- Functional Magic: It disrupts most complex modern tech.
- Furry Webcomic: The main character is a mouse, his assistant is a hound.
- Government Agency of Fiction: Royal Center for Special Investigations.
- He-Man Woman Hater: Reruns of the original comics suggest that Hunter was a severe gynophobe - to the point where his unwillingness to work with female agents almost cost him his job. Now he's merely severely shy around any non-Gypsy female. (This has since been redacted for the current story. The original run is no longer consider canon.)
- In a recent storyline, we have a succubus asking Ruby if Max is gay. She says she's found his stash of lad's mags and reassures her that he's just shy.
- Horny Devils: The above mentioned Mercy Macenzie's idea of Mr. Right is every man alive, as well as a few females.
- Humble Pie: Looks like Gadel got one in the face (last panel [dead link] ).
- Les Yay: Lady Gadel, her girlfriend Winnifred, Agent Doodle AKA Loretta Evans.
- The Magic Comes Back: Magic in England was sealed centuries ago by a king paranoid of a mage rebellion, the seal was broken when a bomb was dropped on it during WWII.
- According to Ruby's mother most of the rest of the world was never sealed, including America.
- Magic Versus Science: Magic tends to disrupt electrical devices, in the prologue it somehow even caused a revolver to jam. However it's mentioned that American technology is more resilient to magic.
- Masquerade: RCSI Travel is a front for the Agency.
- Medieval Stasis: And Astoria (Or more accurately - the ruling class of Astoria) likes it that way.
- Mysterious Past: We are only slowly learning bits and pieces about the pasts of some agents.
- No Periods, Period: Inverted Gypsy is seen suffering from "PMS" just before the Fey treaty signing.
- Open Mouth, Insert Foot: Gypsy inserts both feet knee deep upon arriving at the commander's office.
- Our Werewolves Are Different: Only hounds are susceptible to lycanthropy, during full moons they become ravenous beasts capable of infecting hundreds in one night. Ruby's uncle Ishmael was lucky to get away with just a damaged eye, as all infected agents are "put down".
- Royal We: During her pre-treaty night speech to RSCI Moraine switches from saying "I" to we in order to emphasize how important formality is this night.
- Scenery Censor: How do you think they maintained a PG-13 rating through The Streak [dead link] ?
- Shout-Out: Several notable instances.
- British cartoon Danger Mouse.
- Two separate Shouts to Amber Williams' Dan and Mab's Furry Adventures.
- One Shout to Scudder Kiddwell's White Pony from the Cross Time Cafe. The same reference points indirectly toward Freefall's Florence Ambrose.
- A shout to Yzma's original Evil Plan from The Emperors New Groove.
- Something That Begins With Boring: After their boat sinks [dead link] , Ruby tries to play this game with Max while swimming to shore.
- Tyke Bomb: Prince Matthew Mousira.
- In Queen Moraine's own words: "My grandson is a magical time bomb. No. Everything is not fine."
- Wizarding School: The Astorian Mage Academy.
- Wizards Live Longer: In Astoria mages live up to 200 years, while the peasantry have a life expectancy of 30. Most likely because they're stuck in the middle ages.
- World of Funny Animals
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