< Code Monkeys
Code Monkeys/YMMV
- Complete Monster: Only someone like Mr. Larrity would immediately think "arson" upon hearing the word "orphanage".
- Complete with evil red eyes.
- Take That, Scrappy! (The fact that Todd is the show's Butt Monkey is enough).
- Too Good to Last: Only got two seasons. Come renewal time, G4 didn't want to shell out for another one. What's worse is that only the first season made it to DVD.
- All 26 episodes can be found digitally in the video stores of Xbox Live, PlayStation Network, and iTunes.
- This is also noted as a key turning point for G4. Let's see....an animated sitcom about video gaming, that brought in 20 million viewers in the first season alone, on the videogame network? Why keep that on the air?
- The Woobie: Jerry. He even cries.
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