Code Geass Megiddo
It's September 13th, 2017 a.t.b. As in the last episode of Code Geass's first season, the Black Knights are fiercely fighting the oppressive Britannian Empire for control of Area 11, formerly called Japan. However, in this fanfic, a small change has been made to the Code Geass Canon: instead of running off in the middle of battle to pursue V.V. and Nunnally, Lelouch stays until he is assured that the Black Knights are winning. This has disastrous consequences for Lelouch, the Black Knights, and Japan.
Recognizing that Britannia is losing and determined not to let Area 11 fall into the hands of his enemies, Prince Schneizel orders Operation Nero: the detonation of all of Japan's underground Sakuradite reserves. The resulting explosion destroys nearly all the Area's living things, rendering it an uninhabitable wreck and killing most of the soldiers and civilians there--Britannians and Japanese alike. Lelouch himself is brought before Emperor Chuck, who, as in the original series, Geasses away his memories and replaces them with new ones.
Five years later, Lelouch has become a brilliant Britannian general, fighting alongside Suzaku and his former enemies. Of course, he's totally forgotten his role as Zero, and believes Nunally to be dead. However, the Geass's hold on Lelouch is not absolute--his memories are merely buried, not totally erased, and a certain organization is watching him from the shadows, ready to reclaim their leader...
Code Geass Megiddo is an ongoing For Want of a Nail Code Geass Fan Fiction by Wing Zero Alpha, begun in April 2009. It is told from the perspective of multiple characters and includes detailed descriptions of fighting (both physical and mecha-based). In addition to all the action, Code Geass Megiddo explores the backstories of many characters, often expanding on their canon depictions, as well as introducing a variety of OCs. The author appears to be quite a history buff--historical figures are often discussed, and the word "Megiddo" is the name of the site of an ancient city in Israel, as well as the origin of the word "Armageddon." Make of that what you will.
This series has a Wikia article, which is open for editing.
- Action Moms: Viletta and Dorothea.
- All There in the Manual: The wikia has a lot of supporting information for the backstory of the characters and the countries.
- Allohistorical Allusion: Zulfiqar, a Middle Eastern resistance group, holds its council in a certain compound in Abottabad. The author says they're bad guys, but, considering the setting...
- And then there's a certain EU military force, one that has been described as having black versions of the EU uniform with "twin rune-like insignia somewhere on their person", which has apparently set up shop in Volgograd. Guess what this city was known for.
- As if the Nazi allusions weren't enough, the EU's capital is set up in Nuremberg of all places.
- And I Must Scream: The justification for Anya's Emotionless Girl status.
- Ascended Extra: A great deal of minor characters have their roles expanded, compared to their appearances in Code Geass proper. For example, Senba, previously little more than a Living Prop with a voice in the show, is now something of a Parental Substitute and mentor for Tohdoh.
- Battle Couple: Bismarck Waldstein and Dorothea Ernst.
- Big Badass Battle Sequence: The Battle of Pearl Harbor.
- Broken Ace: Suzaku, even more than in canon.
- The Cameo
- Darker and Edgier
- Death From Above: Combined with its linear rifle and break neck speed, this seems to be the Akatsuki Seisoukenshiki's shtick.
- Despair Event Horizon: What's behind Suzaku's attitude. He's been made to have the emotional intelligence of a Nobody.
- Expy: Played with. While Rommel remains the same personality wise, he seems to be a lookalike of Ali al Saachez.
- Seems to be a thing with some of the OCs. Zhukov and his son, as described, look like Sergei and Andrei Smirnov, Yamamoto sounds like Gendo Ikari, and Nagumo, Yamaguchi and Kondo strike one as being based on Aokiji, Kizaru and Akainu.
- Halsey, Spruance and Fletcher also seem to be based on Aigulle Delaz, Mu La Flaga and Murrue Ramius apiece.
- Obviously, Knights of the Round Johann Ernst, Michael Raleigh, Nena Gurlukovich and Descartes Castin are each based on certain 00 characters.
- General Failure: You may even feel pity for Odysseus.
- Gratuitous French: C.C.'s prayer before the Battle of Pearl Harbor.
- He's Back: "I am... Zero!" With a Reason You Suck Speech to all sides of the conflict. And he makes sure that everyone gets aware of it.
- Humongous Mecha Gun Fu: It's glorious!
- Lampshade Hanging: C.C. says that it would be out of her character if she didn't talk sarcastically.
- Lightning Bruiser: The Gawain could be considered this due to its list of upgrades: it now has more powerful hadron cannons, energy swords and an Absolute Defense Field, and is fast and agile enough to keep up with even the Lancelot.
- Instant Awesome, Just Add Ninja: The Black Knights' Shinobi Corps.
- My Country, Right or Wrong: Gino truly feels that what Britannia is doing is wrong, but he still has to do his duty.
- Noodle Incident: Due to the fact the entire Old World seems to be at war, lots of battles happen offscreen; the Britannians seemed to have suffered a heavy blow at the Rhineland, for example.
- No One Gets Left Behind: The Britannians in the Black Knights show what happens when people don't play this trope straight.
- Not only the military, but also the entire Ashford Academy student body, including Milly, Rivalz and Shirley.
- No Swastikas: Averted. The insignia of the Black Knights' Security Corps is a silver manji.
- Overpressure What Overpressure: Averted. Lelouch orders the Ikaruga to fire Raikou missiles into the ocean, thus causing an underwater explosion that promptly destroys the Britannian submarines in proximity with the change in the pressure.
- Paint It Black: Literally, in the case of the Black Knights' knightmares and ships.
- The Quisling: Castin for France and the Eunuchs for China.
- Racist Grandpa: Rikichi's hypocritical racism is due to his grandfather.
- The Revolution Will Not Be Civilized: Lots of resistance groups are like this, such as Zulfiqar.
- Rousing Speech: Zero's worldwide speech declaring his and the Black Knights' return. It was glorious!
- Sanity Slippage: Suzaku. BIG TIME!
- Shown Their Work: The author has provided a lot of information about the mechas with a high level of detail in his wikia.
- However, his use of plushies of Godzilla and company in one chapter is a case of Did Not Do the Research. Although the alternate timeline of Code Geass is supposedly set in the relatively proper time period for Godzilla and co. to have appeared in at least a few movies from the showa era, the fact that nuclear weaponry apparently does not exist until Nina creates an equivalent version in the form of FLEIA means that in this world Godzilla, Mothra, Rodan, King Ghidorah and Anguirus, who all appear as plushies at one point owned by the children of Ohgi and Villetta shouldn't exist either. Why? Simply put: There was no Hydrogen bomb to set events in motion that would inspire the creation of Godzilla and his cohorts in Code Geass. Their appearance in this fic is therefore an anachronism.
- This is WZA. I don't usually make direct responses on TV Tropes, but I thought this one warranted it. First of all, of all the things to critique in Megiddo, you're going after that? Second, Godzilla and Jet Jaguar figurines are clearly shown in episode 5 of the first season, around one of the graves Suzaku and Euphie visit (though Godzilla seems to have a duck bill this time around). If you believe Godzilla appearing in Code Geass is an anachronism, then you'll have to take it up with the original writers. I was only following up on their depiction.
- However, his use of plushies of Godzilla and company in one chapter is a case of Did Not Do the Research. Although the alternate timeline of Code Geass is supposedly set in the relatively proper time period for Godzilla and co. to have appeared in at least a few movies from the showa era, the fact that nuclear weaponry apparently does not exist until Nina creates an equivalent version in the form of FLEIA means that in this world Godzilla, Mothra, Rodan, King Ghidorah and Anguirus, who all appear as plushies at one point owned by the children of Ohgi and Villetta shouldn't exist either. Why? Simply put: There was no Hydrogen bomb to set events in motion that would inspire the creation of Godzilla and his cohorts in Code Geass. Their appearance in this fic is therefore an anachronism.
- Spin-Off: The Word Dramas.
- State Sec: The Black Knights' Shinobi Corps acts this way, overseeing Internal Affairs within Okinawa and the "regular" Black Knights as well as performing black operations in the outside world to ensure Okinawa remaining secret and forgotten. Needless to say, the other Black Knights have mixed feelings about them.
- Took a Level In Badass: The Black Knights had five years and they took advantage well.
- Especially Kallen, which only makes sense since C.C. gave her Geass.
- Even Lelouch, he can hold his own against Suzaku. But that also only makes sense as Bismarck trained him.
- Alfred also gets a mention, as he was able to fight Guilford to a standstill, albeit with a Bigger Stick. I doubt he could have done that in canon.
- Well-Intentioned Extremist: V.V. wants to start his Assimilation Plot before an event called Megiddo (Title Drop?), which he believes is worse than anything anyone has ever seen. Considering what that name means in the real world, he's probably not far off base.
- Wham! Line: "I killed my father for you and Nunnally!" cue Lelouch's Heroic BSOD.
- This was later noticed by Kallen and thankfully averted.
- World War II: The story is filled with references (some more obvious than others - North Africa and Pearl Harbor), and the current setting seems to be modeled after it.
- Most of the EU leadership seems to be ripped right out of the Nazi High Command, and the Union itself is German-dominated. For examples, Joseph Goebbels is the Chancellor and Reinhard Heydrich is Reichsfuhrer-SS.
- And let's not forget the other nations that make up the EU, whose militaries are led by several prominent World War II-era commanders, from Georgy Zhukov to Charles de Gaulle (the latter now renamed Gerard, likely to avoid confusion with Emperor Chuck).
- Though not WWII related, a Battle of Jutland was mentioned in Chapter 10.
- The Black Knights High Command is composed of lead commanders and military figures from both sides of the real world Pacific Theater. In fact, the only one that seems to be missing is Nimitz!
- Bernard Montgomery and the infamous Operation Market Garden have just been mentioned as well, alongside Bradley, Eisenhower and Patton. All Britannians of course.
- Most of the EU leadership seems to be ripped right out of the Nazi High Command, and the Union itself is German-dominated. For examples, Joseph Goebbels is the Chancellor and Reinhard Heydrich is Reichsfuhrer-SS.