Code Geass 50K: Lelouch of the Imperium

A long crossover fanfiction by Soraga, Code Geass 50K: Lelouch of the Imperium is to Code Geass what Shinji and Warhammer40K is to Neon Genesis Evangelion, melding the series into the bleak world of Warhammer 40,000, albeit with a dash of The Shape of the Nightmare to Come.

Set in the even more grimdark future of the 51st Millennium, the Imperium of Man is on its last legs as the the forces of Chaos move ever closer to Terra. Its once mighty power now reduced to a mere shadow and the Golden Throne itself breaking down, all humanity could do it seems is to delay the inevitable coming of Abaddon's Black Crusade. That is, until hope springs from the Emperor's forgotten soldiers: the Black Knights, its immortal leaders bracing themselves for a day they've spent countless generations preparing for. But meanwhile, the once-great being formerly known as Lelouch Lamperouge struggles to stay alive against the machinations of both Tzeentch and the growing insanity of the Warp...

Currently comprised of 36 chapters (37 if one counts the prologue), the Fusion Fic manages to mix the two series almost seamlessly. Noteworthy as well are the efforts put in not only showing ridiculous attention to detail but also adding surprises in the mix relating to both source materials while staying true to canon (except for a few key points relevant to the plot). Also of note is the pacing, calling to mind both the anime and Legend of Galactic Heroes given how plots, schemes and whole battles can span multiple chapters.

The author has also released Tales of the 51st Millennium, a collection of drabbles, Omakes and one-shots set in the same universe.

Tropes used in Code Geass 50K: Lelouch of the Imperium include:
  • The Aesthetics of Technology: Deliberately invoked, with the Black Knights' sleek, highly efficient technology shown as decidedly more advanced than the familiar bulky, techno-gothic trappings of the Imperium. Justified in part due to the Knights having retained much if not all of the progress made during the Dark Age of Technology.
  • Alternate Calendar: Subtly played with. The Imperial Dating System in this continuity is implied to be based on the a.t.b. Calendar in Code Geass. Which would make the starting date of 017.M51 precisely 48,000 years after the beginning of the anime's first episode, set in 2017 a.t.b.
  • Alternate Character Interpretation: With Lelouch as the Emperor, it paints quite a few of his canon actions and choices in a different yet very plausible light.
  • Ancient Conspiracy: The Black Knights had come a long way from its origins in the anime, with much of its existence prior to the Warp exile largely in the shadows, keeping watch over humanity's evolving civilization. While within the Imperium itself, scattered secrets left behind by Lelouch and barely understood by even the High Lords of Terra are coming to the fore.
  • And I Must Scream: The Emperor, just as in canon.
  • Anti-Hero: Lelouch/The Emperor, although he clearly if privately didn't like some of more questionable deeds done in his time.
  • Archive Panic: At this point, the fic can evoke this, especially given the relative length of a single chapter.
  • Ascend to a Higher Plane of Existence:
    • The Guardian, a benevolent being in the Warp, was once a human named Euphemia li Britannia.
    • It's strongly implied Milly Ashford is somehow still alive as a succumbus-esque Warp being who frequents Commorragh and screws around with Dark Eldar just because she can.
  • Bad Future: As if Warhammer 40,000 being this to Code Geass isn't enough, the 51st Millennium manages to be even worse than the 41st.
  • Big Screwed-Up Family: Lelouch/The Emperor's relationship with the Primarchs is implied to be tragically not much better than the old Britannian Imperial family.
  • Bio Augmentation: The "modern" Black Knights are revealed to be a genetically modified subspecies that emerged under Lelouch's watch during the Dark Age of Technology. The fragmented records of their development were later on used to create the Primarchs and Space Marines, though some of the details were mentioned as having been made up from scratch to replicate the original results.
  • Break the Badass: The Chaos Gods have been trying to break Lelouch/the Emperor for thousands of years.
  • The Cavalry: The Black Knights are this to the besieged Imperium. Then followed by the Eldar.
  • Continuity Nod: The "World of C" makes an appearance as a stable, albeit crumbling segment of the Warp.
  • Crapsack World: Is it ever?
  • Crazy Prepared: Lelouch/The Emperor and the Black Knights made more than a few long-shot contingencies in the event something went wrong with the Imperium. Which by the time the main bulk of the fic takes place, have long come to pass.
  • Culture Clash: Between the Imperials and Knights. Made more explicit by the Knights apparently preserving Earth's records and cultures much more accurately and retaining much from the Dark Age of Technology.
  • Death Seeker: It's speculated by the Guardian aka Euphie that a part of the Emperor considers both his internment in the Golden Throne and the warped Crapsack World that his Imperium ultimately became as punishment for his sins.
  • Designer Babies: In addition to how the "modern" Black Knights came to be, Lelouch used Kallen and CC's genetic material in creating the Primarchs.
  • I Did What I Had to Do: It's shown in the flashbacks that the Emperor really didn't like some of the acts he and his Imperium committed prior to the Horus Heresy, wishing at times to rather avoid them if he could help it. This is tied however to the Xanatos Speed Chess he's playing against the Chaos Gods.
  • Downer Beginning:
    • Chronologically-wise. In the distant past, it's revealed that Zero Requiem failed in the long run, resulting in a "Great War" engulfing much of the world and Britannia's near destruction. Thousands of years later, there's also Lelouch/The Emperor's Imperium sliding into the grimdark mess people know and love...only to slide into further misery by the 51st Millennium.
    • The actual prologue is largely a nightmare sequence concocted by the Chaos Gods to try breaking what's left of Lelouch/The Emperor.
  • During the War: The fic takes place towards the tail end of one very long one.
  • Enemy Mine/We ARE Struggling Together!:
    • The growing power of Chaos was what motivated the weakening Imperium to drop its "kill Xenos on sight" policy and side with the Eldar and Tau. It's about as stable and trustworthy as one would expect as said aliens had apparently left the Imperials to their deaths. This is eventually subverted when the Eldar join in alongside the Imperials and Knights, a (begrudging) bond beginning to emerge.
    • Even with the imminent threat of Abaddon's forces, the various factions within the Imperium such as the Inquisition and High Lords of Terra are still shown to be at each other's throats. It takes CC and Nunnally's intervention to force them to actually cooperate better.
  • Elaborate Underground Base: The Black Knights have one under Mars, the area around which being cordoned off by the Adeptus Mechanicus, even if most of its present members have forgotten the reasons why.
  • Face Heel Turn: A sizable portion of Abaddon's forces is comprised of former Imperial regiments that had since gone Traitor. Given their embrace of Chaos, they're shown to have varying degrees of insanity and mutation.
  • Fan of the Past: The Black Knights have quite a fondness for both the Dark Age of Technology and the era Code Geass takes place in, as shown by their use of names and symbols that are more recognizable. It helps as well that their leaders actually lived through all of that.
  • Foil: The Black Knights are this to the Imperium in a sense, given how they represent what humanity could have become.
  • Four Lines, All Waiting: At times, there are different arcs happening at the same time, contributing to the length of each chapter.
  • Freudian Excuse: To a degree. It's implied that Lelouch/The Emperor originally intended the Imperium to be a new, idealized Britannia that his sister and seemingly long-dead friends could be proud of. Ironically, it doesn't help that the Imperium even in its grimdark form does have a certain medieval flavor to it, not too unlike Britannia.
  • Fusion Fic: The fic is a melding of both Code Geass and Warhammer 40,000, with the end result being virtually seamless. Geass-users are also suggested to be a kind of Psyker who could access the powers of the Warp with relative ease and control.
  • Future Imperfect:
    • An appendix reveals that many of the Space Marines' features and abilities were reverse-engineered from fragments of data relating to the "modern" Black Knights' creation, though some fragments were less complete than others. The Astartes' ability to absorb knowledge by consuming flesh was taken from a heavily corrupted science log...which conveniently left out the bit on the mere notion as an affront to nature. The Black Knights themselves actively try to avert this, which is reflected in their names, designations and traditions, as a result knowing more about the past than the Imperials.
    • The events of the anime itself are long shrouded in myth, if not outright forgotten by the 51st Millennium. Although the Adeptus Mechanicus and High Lords of Terra have at least a dim idea of what happened in the distant past. Such as the Black Knights' bunker in Mars, CC's identity and the old tales of Zero.
    • It's implied that the techno-gothic trappings of the Imperium are a twisted corruption of Lelouch/The Emperor's attempts to mould it in the image of Nunnally's "reformed" Britannia.
    • The Aquila is revealed to be a corruption of the Geass symbol as well as the identity Lelouch/The Emperor took up as an alias after Zero Requiem.
  • Gambit Roulette: Lelouch/The Emperor made quite a few contingencies for the Imperium. Though another example involves CC leaving behind a STC containing codes that would allow the Black Knights to communicate with the Imperials should they return, certain that no one would bother to change the frequencies in that time.
  • Godzilla Threshold: Even if the Imperium at large was unaware of it at first, the Black Knights effectively serve as this, which is at least partly Lelouch's plan all along.
  • Gondor Calls for Aid: Lelouch/The Emperor and the Black Knights made a point to set up contingencies that would allow for this, even if the Imperium at large is unaware of them.
  • How We Got Here: There are flashbacks stretching to the events just after Zero Requiem that slowly explain how things got the way they are in the 51st Millennium. As well as why CC and the others are still alive.
  • Hopeless War: By the 51st Millennium, the Imperium is very much aware that it's at the receiving end of one. At least until the Black Knights finally intervene.
  • Hidden Elf Village: Aside from the (remaining) Eldar craftworlds, the Black Knights are the human version of this especially when contrasted with the Imperium.
  • In Medias Res: The fic technically starts off towards what should have been the final days of the Imperium, as Abaddon moves ever closer to Terra.
  • Legendary in the Sequel: Sort of. The memory of Zero is strong enough that it more or less persists, albeit corrupted well into the 51st Millennium. Just in time for the Black Knights to make their return.
  • Lotus Eater Machine: The Chaos Gods are apparently trying to trap Lelouch/The Emperor in a nightmarish version of this.
  • Luke, You Are My Father: Fulgrim reveals this to Kallen.
  • The Masquerade: How the Inquisition attempts to deal with the Black Knights initially. Sightings and reports are passed off as either STC discoveries or Tau/Eldar/etc. attacks. It breaks entirely when CC and Nunnally decide to pay the Inquisition a visit...and subsequently manage to put it and the Grey Knights in their place by simply talking.
  • A Million Is a Statistic:
    • The Imperium still tends to treat casualties like this, though by the 51st Millennium it's actually paying more attention to those casualties especially as Abaddon moves ever closer to Terra and the High Lords of Terra are aware that their resources are no longer so immense.
    • Downplayed with the Black Knights, who really try to take No Man Left Behind and the value of individual life pretty seriously. Even then, it's not unheard of for the Black Knights to have casualties in the thousands if not millions, which the Imperials consider impressive.
  • Mini-Mecha: The Knightmare Frames used by the Black Knights have much more in common with Tau Battlesuits (to the point of almost being Powered Armor given how they're roughly as tall as a Space Marine) than their distant ancestors shown in the anime, though they retain many vestigial elements that would have been familiar to Lelouch back in the day.
  • Modern Stasis: Compared to the Imperium, the Black Knights are shown to have more in common with modern-day humanity. It helps as well that they've retained much from the Dark Age of Technology.
  • Necessary Evil: How Lelouch tried justifying some of his less savory actions in the flashbacks, as much as those disgust him.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: The Tau eventually abandoned their Enemy Mine alliance with the Imperium prior to the events of the story.
  • Secret War:
    • It turns out that the Black Knights' leaders and Euphie/the Guardian have been involved in a long, covert war in the Warp.
    • The Black Knights themselves have apparently been waging campaigns against the Necrons over the millennia.
  • Time Abyss: The Black Knights' self-imposed exile in the Warp is implied to be this (over 20,000 years in hiding). Their immortal leaders on the other hand are even more so, recalling the events of the anime and the original Knights under Zero.
  • Took a Level in Badass:
    • On the 40K side of things, Abaddon's Black Crusade, which like Abaddon himself is often treated mockingly in fandom, has not only succeeded but is by the start of the fic on a direct course to Terra itself. And then you've got the Black Knights themselves particularly CC, Nunnally and a few others, who have thousands of years' worth of experience by this point.
    • Lelouch/The Emperor also qualifies. Given how he went from barely being able to keep up with schoolgirls in the anime to being the most powerful human to ever live over thousands of years, it's justified.
  • Undying Loyalty:
    • The surviving chapters of the Adeptus Astartes as well as the remaining (loyalist) Imperial Guard regiments continue to fight for God-Emperor and Imperium despite knowing that it would be a Hopeless War.
    • The Black Knights and their leaders still remain loyal to Lelouch despite all that's happened.
  • Used Future: Considerably more so than before. Many of the Imperial Navy's more "recent" ships for instance look much more ramshackle and hastily assembled than the ones fielded in the 41st Millennium.
  • Vestigial Empire: The Imperium by the 51st Millennium has largely been reduced to Segmentum Solar and scattered remnants of its once vast territories. Manpower and resources have increasingly become a luxury, with the dwindling armies of Guardsmen and Space Marines falling back ever closer to Terra and the High Lords for once uncertain about their dominions' very survival. And with Lelouch/the Emperor disconnected from the Golden Throne in an attempt to save his life, it's all but collapsed beyond the solar system.
  • We Have Reserves: Subverted. The Imperium of the 51st Millennium, while still having a lot of manpower and resources, lacks the immense reserves it had in the past. To the point that the what's left of the Imperial Guard and Imperial Navy are actually hesitant to throw more bodies against Abbadon, simply because they can't afford to lose much more.
  • Where Are They Now? Epilogue: After a fashion. While the story is largely set long after the events of Code Geass, it does reveal what became of a number of characters after Zero Requiem. Things however don't always end well.
    • Oghi and Villetta were forced into hiding due to the Chinese Federation invading Japan not long after the events of the anime. They eventually ended up being killed by firing squad, though not before Lelouch took their daughter to safety at the very last moment. Lelouch himself however only came to them at all at Kallen's insistence.
    • Milly and Rivalz got married and became a famous team of Intrepid Reporters covering various war zones, in the process unwittingly helping sow the seeds of a legend that in due time would herald Lelouch/The Emperor's rise. They eventually retired in the a.t.b. 2020s after barely surviving an incendiary attack, using their resources to rebuild Ashford Academy and in time died quietly in their sleep.
    • The "Great War" that ensued not long after Zero Requiem in time killed off many other Britannian figures, including Cornelia.
  • The Worf Effect: The Ultramarines are forced to subject their home system to Exteminatus in the first chapter, which goes a long way in showing just how desperate things have become for the Imperium.

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