< Cocoon
- Dyeing for Your Art: See: Older Than They Look in the main section.
- Enforced Method Acting: the scene where Hume Cronyn's character punches out the orderly wasn't all acting. Cronyn, who was a Golden Gloves boxer and lacked sight in one eye, actually knocked the guy out because he (Cronyn) lacked depth perception.
- Hey It's All Those Guys:
- Finch's dad is the alien commander!
- Jack Bonner used to be a cop!
- Ben wants to sell you Quaker Oatmeal. Also, diabeetus!
- Art was a monk. But before that, he was a song and dance guy. And wow, he wasn't bad looking, either!
- Alma is Miss Daisy!
- In the second movie, Ruby is Jane Fonda's mother-in-law and Monica is a scientist!
- Real Life Relative: Joe and Alma Finley are played by real life husband and wife Hume Cronyn and Jessica Tandy.
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