< Cock Fight

Cock Fight/Playing With

Basic Trope: Two guys compete for a girl's affections, sometimes violently.

  • Straight: Marcus and Josh are both interested in Deidre and become antagonistic once both are aware of the other's intentions.
  • Exaggerated:
  • Justified: Deidre is the only attractive single female of the whole cast.
  • Inverted: Betty and Veronica
  • Subverted:
  • Double Subverted
    • Not like that makes either of them stop...
    • Except that they both eventually realize they were Better As Rivals and go right back to what they originally wanted.
  • Parodied:
  • Deconstructed: The fight becomes so violent that Marcus eventually kills Josh, who was the one Deidre was pining for and she refuses to be with Marcus as a result.
  • Reconstructed: ...wait, no, Josh was only knocked out, like he'd knocked out Marcus before. Still, the scare makes them agree to not fight as violently anymore, and to keep it to showing off.
  • Zig Zagged: ??
  • Averted: Deidre isn't pined for by anyone.
  • Enforced: "Hey guys, we need to show that this girl's worth more than the others. Let's have the two most desirable dudes in the show fight over her!"
  • Lampshaded: "Oh God... There they go again!"
  • Invoked: ??
  • Defied: "Fighting over a girl? What are we, high school boys?"
  • Discussed: "Marcus and Josh are such idiots fighting over you like that, Deidre. When are you gonna sit them down and talk to them about it?"
  • Conversed: "Hey, look at those guys, fighting over a chick! I wonder who'll win..."

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