< Cobra Starship

Cobra Starship/YMMV

/wiki/Cobra Starshipcreator
  • Alternate Character Interpretation: Ear Worm-ridden dance band, or scathing Deconstruction of celebrity culture? You decide.
  • Crazy Awesome: The band was allegedly formed after Gabe saw a time-traveling intergalactic cobra in the desert while on peyote, and received a message that the apocalypse was coming and his job was to help humanity go out in style. From there, it only gets crazier.
  • Crowning Moment of Funny: The home video for Guilty Pleasure.
    • It gets better when you read the video description:

'So Decaydance / FBR gave us $650,000 to make our new video, but we blew it all on a sports car, so we had to make a home video for 'Guilty Pleasure' on our own one Saturday afternoon. Enjoy!'

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