< Club Penguin

Club Penguin/WMG

The Snow Race will involve Protobot.

Considering how Herbert is going to cause a blackout, Protobot should get to do something as well. He has disappeared ever since Herbert's truce with him broke up in May 2011, and it'd make sense if Protobot was spending these months planning his next action. Plus, the newsletter said this party would involve the EPF.

The penguins are all cloned.

Have you ever wondered why there are no specific penguin genders? (The only way to make genders is to get certain clothing) Or why there are no baby penguins? (Unless you count those annoying Bay Bees) At first it seems like this is just to make the game more kid friendly. But maybe there is a secret base far underground where penguins are grown in jars from nothing but DNA. When the embryos are done growing, they are fed and nurtured by robots that Gary built until they are ready to go out into the world. That would explain why the penguins need a map and a tour guide, and the genetics might get mixed up, explaining the weird penguin colors.

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