< Clear and Present Danger

Clear and Present Danger/Nightmare Fuel

  • The process to refine the raw coca leaves into a drug involves crushing it into a paste made from mixing sulfuric acid with the coca leaves. The Body Horror comes into play because the process is usually accomplished by low level employees of the Cartel having to use their bare feet to do the crushing of leaves and acid, meaning they are dissolving their own flesh in raw acid in the process, meaning the finished product likely has some remaining human skin tissue dissolved in it, making every druggie an indirect cannibal.
  • While not shown in explicit detail, the Cartel is a big fan of Cold-Blooded Torture, especially that involving making fathers watch as their families are raped and murdered in front of them as their last memories before finally murdering them.
  • Invoked on the two pirates by the jail guards when describing to them how the electric chair will end their lives, which includes a cruelly snarky picture of the chair with the caption 'Regular or Extra Crispy?"
  • Implied just before and slightly after the scene where the surviving servants of Untiveros are interrogated, and while not described in explicit detail, we are left with just enough clues that the interrogations involved death and and a LOT of bloodshed.
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