< Clash of the Elements

Clash of the Elements/Characters

A character sheet for the Clash of the Elements fic series. For convenience sake, list the characters in the order of the appearances within the story.

Debuting in Part 1: A Flame Reborn



The undisputed hero of the Mushroom Kingdom, the famous red and blue wearing plumber is The Hero of this story and, unlike the games he originates from, he is given a personality and has a speaking role within the story.

In Part 1, Mario starts to form a sort of brotherly bond with the boy he is guarding, Alex Whiter, and helps both him and the Crayzee Dayzee Driad get accustomed the strange world of Plit. His brother joins him later on, and he reunites with former allies Mallow and Geno. He also meets a couple new characters, Gemini and Alpha. As the course of events in the story unfold, he becomes inflicted with guilt when Bowser kidnaps Peach and vanishes from sight, and his primary motivation ends up being more focused on finding her than it does towards getting the Elemental Stones. After rescuing her, he joins the other heroes at the Origin Temple. His Genesis Samurai opponent there is the Fire Samurai Zeno Blaze. He later combats Joe Dark to give Alex time to recover, but loses even after getting the Star Spirits power boosts. He does, however, go on to destroy his sword.

In Movie 1, Mario, Luigi and Mallow combat the Subspace Army in Toad Town, and follows Alex alongside Luigi into Subspace to take on Tabuu. However, the Mario Bros. are tossed into the blank state of the Great Maze before they get to do anything, though they are later freed.

In Part 2, Mario fights the Axem Rangers X after Alex is trapped in the Anti-Genesis Sphere, but only manages to take down four of them before collapsing from exhaustion. He is currently in Alpha's M.S.I. battleship, and isn't fighting because he wants to watch the Commander so he can't perform any suspicious actions.

Associated Tropes:

  • Badass Mustache
  • Badass in Distress: Briefly, when Bowser holds him hostage in exchange for the heroes' Elemental Stones.
  • Berserk Button: Besides the "Don't Hurt His Friends" mentality that has carried over from the games, Mario REALLY dislikes it when anyone tries to abuse their authority to get what they want. Both of these buttons being pressed at the same time when he discovered Alpha electrocuting Alex is the exact reason why he dislikes the Commander so much
  • Catch Phrase:
    • "Lets-a-go!" and "It's-a-me, Mario!", though the second one overlaps with another trope. See Pre-Ass-Kicking One-Liner below.
  • The Determinator: Through thick and thin, he WILL save Princess Peach whenever she is in danger. Even after his back has been cracked by a powered up Bowser he gets up and manages to deal the final blow to him in order to rescue her.
  • Elemental Powers:
  • Flat Character: Quite obviously averted here.
  • Goomba Stomp: Surprisingly, this DOESN'T happen within the story, mainly due to the lack of Goombas on the enemy side of things
  • Gratuitous Italian: Pops up in the first couple of chapters, but the author then drops the accent for rather unknown reasons...
  • The Hero
  • Heroic BSOD: Quite surprisingly, Mario goes through one of these moments briefly when because he paid no heed to Bowser's presence at the Lightning Palace, Peach ended up getting kidnapped by him again, and he knows nothing about where she might be.
  • Heroic Mime: Averted.
  • Hope Bringer: And as Alpha points out, if Mario were to ever be killed by Bowser, the people of the Mushroom Kingdom would never be able to recover from the loss.
  • Implied Love Interest: Averted in comparison to the games. With time being spent in the narrative to show Mario's thoughts and feelings, it is pretty clear that he and Peach are starting a relationship.
  • Multiple Choice Past: Averted in this story, where it is stated within the story that both he and Luigi came from Earth. Of course, nothing is said about where they lived...
  • Nice Hat
  • Pre-Ass-Kicking One-Liner:

"You don't know? It's-a me, Mario!" Said to Joe Dark right before he PERMANENTLY DESTROYS HIS SWORD

  • Super Mode: Zeo Mario
  • Underestimating Badassery: Mario is on the receiving end of this during the final fight against Joe Dark. But of course, Joe Dark really should've known better than to mess with a man who has traveled the ends of the universe just to save his loved one.
  • Wall Jump: Actually uses this a couple times during his fights to help hit foes that are much bigger than he is.
  • Weapon of Choice: The Hammer, which gets pulled out a couple times over the course of the story.

Professor E. Gadd

The somewhat absent-minded, elderly yet lovable Professor who has helped the Mario Bros. on many occasions, he has a much bigger role in this story than he does in most other games. He is the instigator of the plot, when he finds and shows Mario a tablet containing details on the Overlord's legacy.

Throughout Part 1 he mainly stays in his lab, expositioning on details he discovers and updating his personal device, the iGadd, to show the heroes the locations of the next Elemental Temples.

In Movie 1, E. Gadd helps fight against the Subspace Army by taking control of Alpha's Command Sphere

In Part 2, E. Gadd is so far mysteriously absent from the plot, and what is more surprising is the fact that nothing has been said about him.

Associated Tropes:

Alex Whiter

An 11-year old boy from Earth who was brought to Plit by Mario because he fits the description of the prophecy of the Elemental Overlord's return. A kid that is knowledgeable about many video games, especially those in the Super Mario series, he is capable of flying for reasons he has never divulged. He travels with Mario and his allies, helping them in whatever ways he can. His parents died when he was younger via a rogue comet striking them down, and he basically taught himself all he knows afterwards. Part 1 eventually ends with him becoming the new Elemental Overlord, and he now has the spirits of the Genesis Samurais, Inner Guardians, and the original Elemental Overlord trapped inside of his body.

In Movie 1, Alex fights Tabuu in Subspace, and after hearing his backstory he vows To avenge his suffering and the loss of his homeworld by slaying the Master Hand.

In Part 2, Alex is currently out of commission thanks in part to a sphere made out of something called the Anti-Genesis Theorem. By this point in the story, he has turned 12.

Associated Tropes:

  • Adaptive Armor: In his Lightning Sniper form
  • Badass Normal: Before he acquires the Elemental Overlord's powers.
  • By the Power of Greyskull: Every line he says before activating his Elemental forms.
  • Calling Your Attacks: "Blazing Overlord...FIST!"
  • Curb Stomp Battle: Is on the receiving end of this quite a few times throughout Part 1 before he gets the Elemental Overlord's powers, though this is justified by the fact that, unlike Mario and the others, he hasn't had the experience and his first adventure has him fighting creatures far beyond the scope of normal human beings. However... When he gets the Overlord's powers, he still is on the receiving end of this trope TWICE against Joe Dark, only to turn things around by destroying him with the Blazing Overlord Fist.
  • The Chosen One
  • Dangerous Forbidden Technique: The Blazing Overlord Fist, which while incredibly powerful, overloads the energy of the souls within Alex's body and threatens to destroy him after it is activated. It is stated in-story after E. Gadd finds a way to contain the flames that if Alex doesn't release some of the excess energy every now and then, the results would be cataclysmic.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Has a few moments of this throughout Part 1.
  • Deceased Parents Are the Best: Though Alex makes it quite clear throughout his explanation of their deaths that he misses them both to this very day.
  • Demoted to Extra: In Part 2, mainly because there is really nothing he can do about The Anti-Genesis Sphere
  • The Determinator: It is because of this very trait that He tries to use the Wind Stone to save the heroes from falling to their deaths in the Terra Cave, even though he didn't know at the time that the stone would work.
  • Elemental Powers: Has everything the Elemental Overlord had. See the main page for details.
  • Eleventh-Hour Superpower: Phoenix Form. The other Elemental Forms could've qualified for this trope, but they just turn out to be more like a ninth hour superpower.
  • Hidden Depths: Despite his naivety Alex is quite mature for his age, showing empathy towards some of his enemies Which ends up helping Tabuu see the error of his ways, and from the dialogue it is inferred that he is pretty good at whistling old Mozart tunes.
  • Instant Expert: Subverted thanks to some dialogue from the original Elemental Overlord in Part 2, who states that while Alex is able to use the basic abilities of his elements, he needs to become more focused on his training if he wishes to master them all.
  • Morph Weapon: The triggers on his flaming sword allow him to change his weapon into different forms based on those wielded by the Genesis Samurais
  • Nice Guy: Oh GOD yes...
  • No Kill Like Overkill: How he inevitably finishes off Joe Dark, though in all fairness It was the only way to make certain that he would finally STAY DOWN.
  • Not Quite Dead: Pull this trope off quite a couple times in the final battle of Part 1. First he is battered around by Joe Dark, only for the Genesis Samurai's spirits to enter his body and heal him. And then his subconsciousness is destroyed by Joe Dark, and it takes the power of the hopes and dreams of EVERYONE on Plit plus the Star Rod to save his life.
  • Power Glows: The Blazing Overlord Fist
  • Power Limiter: The glove E. Gadd made him that is clenched to his right hand, which prevents the fire from the Blazing Overlord Fist from consuming him.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: He is the Blue to Joe Dark's red
  • The Atoner: Takes on this role for Tabuu, so he can finally find peace in death.
  • Story-Breaker Power: The Phoenix Form's ability to use the energy from the 14 souls stored in Alex's body as a one-time use shield every time he enters the form. However, despite how powerful this sounds on paper, Both the lady in the robe and Tabuu's Off-Rings were shown capable of shredding through all the souls with incredible ease.
  • Sympathy for the Devil: While he in now way felt sympathy towards Joe Dark after he revealed his backstory, he definitely expresses pity towards Tabuu after he talks about his.
  • Unwitting Pawn: Implied to have been one to Cackletta, who orchestrated the events of the Dark King's resurrection just so she could acquire one of the feathers from Alex's Phoenix Form
  • The Worf Effect: Against The Lady in the robe, who is able to wipe the floor with him without any difficulty whatsoever.
  • Would Hit a Girl: Strikes Axem Pink a few times during the battle with the Axem Rangers X, but this could ultimately be justified by the fact that she is a robot and not a living being

Princess Peach

The cheerful, highly-esteemed princess of the Mushroom Kingdom, and the love interest of Mario. The Princess spends most of her time in her castle throughout the story, being updated on the events by Mario as things progress. She is a kind-hearted ruler who cares deeply for her subjects, and the prime target of Bowser on various occasions.

She is partially responsible for Rosalina's arrival on Plit, since she sensed the dissent in the air after first meeting Mario and Alex during the journey, and she used as a hostage by Bowser near the end of the quest so he can acquire the Elemental Stones for himself. Later on, when the Dark King threatens the stability of the planet, she braves the danger to try and help rally the people's hopes back up.

She was absent in Movie 1, and so far has only had a cameo in Chapter 21 of Part 2.

Associated Tropes:

  • Badass Princess: Like E. Gadd above, she is one of the few people that aren't unhinged by fear during the Dark King's assault on the planet.
    • Badass in Distress: Like usual, when Bowser kidnaps her while Mario and the others are busy at the Lightning Palace
  • Blue Eyes
  • Damsel in Distress: Luckily, this only happens once throughout the story.
  • Genre Savvy: Though she isn't the first to realize that something is up with Cackletta's revival, she takes action against these suspicions by alerting Rosalina to come to the planet and defend it if things get out of control.
  • Hair of Gold
  • Incorruptible Pure Pureness: If Alpha is to be believed, this is ultimately subverted, no thanks in part to her being possessed by the Shadow Queen.
  • Only Sane Man: Bears the burden of this role during the Dark King's magical assault, where she tries with all of her might to stop her people from panicking.
  • Royals Who Actually Do Something: After all, it was because of Peach that Rosalina was able to show up and perform her Big Damn Heroes moment
  • Opera Gloves
  • Statuesque Stunner






The Star Spirits






Joe Dark



Inner and Outer Guardians:

Tropes Pertaining to Most Outer Guardians:

Aerial Sage Skyus

Tropes Pertaining to Most Inner Guardians:

Sky Emperor/Fujin

Lightning Djinn

The Genesis Samurais

Tropes Pertaining to All Genesis Samurais

Acia Rose

Tina Aqua

Darnia Stratos

Pitori Sparks

Ezekial Gaia

Cecilia Frost

Darwin Serenta/Zeno Blaze

Debuting in Movie 1: Rebirth of Subspace (SPOILER WARNING)




Debuting in Part 2: Judgment of the Dark King (Spoilers Due to Recency)

Axem Rangers X



    This article is issued from Allthetropes. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.