City of Reality/Characters
The male protagonist, Todo is the leader of SUEPR Team Five.
- The Ace
- Break the Cutie: Gets hit hard when he ventures outside Reality for the first time.
- The second time's pretty bad too.
- Character Filibuster: He does this a lot.
- Chronic Hero Syndrome
- Good Cannot Comprehend Evil: On his first trip to another world, he's baffled by the idea that people there aren't Incorruptible Pure Pureness.
- Official Couple: With AV.
- Redheaded Hero
- Wide-Eyed Idealist: Due to being born and raised in Reality. He was totally unprepared to deal with other worlds.
The female protagonist, AV recently immigrated to Reality from the considerably less idealistic Walk World.
- Action Girl
- Brainy Brunette
- Official Couple: With Todo.
- Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness: At first. She eventually figured it made her look silly and decided to knock it off.
- Who Names Their Kid "Dude"?: She goes by her initials because the name "Aristola Vanity" stood out even on Walk World.
A young "Dragon" from Dark World. Like AV, he's a recent immigrant to Reality.
- Evil Cannot Comprehend Good: Though not evil himself, he comes from a much harsher civilization and is confounded by how Reality's people can be so kind.
- Keet
- Non-Human Sidekick
- The Big Guy
- Imaginary Friend: Named Cassi.
- Super Strength
Mayor Rabbit
An animated sock puppet who serves as the head of Reality.
- Reasonable Authority Figure
- Sudden Anatomy: His arms somehow seem to disappear whenever he's not using them [dead link] .
Leader of SUEPR Team One, he's a Paczat who was raised in Reality.
- Anti-Hero: Type III.
- Artificial Limbs: He's essentially a talking head operating a mechanical body.
- Byronic Hero
- I Did What I Had to Do
- Knight Templar
- My Species Doth Protest Too Much
- Shadow Archetype: To Todo.
- Well-Intentioned Extremist
The Manumitor
A man from Magic World who dedicates himself to seeking out the victims of Hinto Ama's transformation magic and changing them back to normal.
- The Atoner: He's really Hinto Ama herself, seeking redemption for her past misdeeds.
- Byronic Hero
- Hero Antagonist: Briefly becomes one during the Magic World arc, after finding out AV was transformed to keep her alive and insisting on letting her die as herself rather than letting her face the risks of transformation.
The Manumitor's young sidekick.
The Device
A magical device that allows you time travel back a short period. Has a 'curse' associated with it that caused a large storm to manifest when it was used. Currently out of power. Is mutated horribly into malicious sentience by the Mists of Magic World and turns the format of the comic into a sadistic CYOA. Seemingly returns to normal after leaving the Mists but appears to have left a vistige of itself, which later helps out Recon in the 7th chapter.