Cinnamon Bunzuh

Cinnamon Bunzuh! is a comedic Review Blog of the Animorphs series, published as instant messaging logs between the two authors, Ifi (the crazy sarcastic one), and Adam (the crazy analytic one).
The series is named after the way the character Ax pronounces "Cinnamon Bun" when he starts using a mouth for the first time.
The site also hosts the fanfiction Six Days the Animorphs Were Idiots, written by Ifi. (Link)
They also have a twitter account, found here:
- Aborted Arc: The review of The Unknown ends abruptly, with a fourth of the book left to go.
- Alien Blood: Displayed here.
- Alternate Character Interpretation: Several, but most notable is probably Visser Three as the "Evil Cassie."
- April Fools' Day: On April 1, 2012, instead of an Animorph review, Cinnamon Bunzuh surprised everyone by releasing a review for Stephenie Meyer's The Host. Except when one actually clicks the review, it consists of nothing but an Andalite troll smiley (Which bizarrely actually works) and a note:
"This book is really long, and we are lazy. Sorry folks!"
- Author Appeal: Highlighted in the review of The Decision, with marine biology and Xenofiction for Adam, and cats for Ifi.
- A Wizard Did It: How the duo handwave anything that is never really explained.
- Brain Bleach: Needed after Adam puts some oh so delightful thoughts into Ifi's head concerning Jake in tiger-morph and his brother Tom.
- And again, after an ever so lovely discussion about mites.
- Cat Up a Tree: From The Change
Ifi: In other news, do you know the fire companies don't rescue cats from trees anymore?
Adam: I used to have a turtle. I could never get the fireman to come get him out of the tree either.
- Comedic Sociopathy: Ifi, whose actions include, but are not limited to, setting Adam on fire.
- The Complainer Is Always Wrong: The duo's opinion about Marco in the review of The Invasion.
- Cool Car: Elfangor's Mustang is touted as a Crowning Moment of Awesome for the Andalite Chronicles and the series as a whole.
- Crazy Cat Lady: Visser Three, according to Alternate Character Interpretation. Also Ifi, to an extent.
- Crystal Dragon Jesus: The overtly mystical whale that Cassie can apparently communicate with has been dubbed "Jesus Whale."
- Deleted Scene: In a sense. Ifi's tumblr often features dialogues that never end up making it into the reviews.
- Dissimile: Adam thinks this is a perfectly good simile:
Ifi: Hilarity ensues
Ifi: And by hilarity, I mean first degree murder
Adam: And by first degree murder, you mean hilarity
- Everything's Better with Dinosaurs: The only reason the duo could think of why the second Megamorphs book was written.
- Raptor Attack: Criticized.
- Flat What: Ifi's reaction after reading The Capture.
- Harmless Villain: Visser Three is often described as this.
- Humans Are Special: This trope is a frequent source of snark.
- Incredibly Lame Pun: Adam, which even he is willing to admit to being thoroughly terrible.
- Lampshade Hanging: Frequently.
- Nerd Glasses: When portrayed, both authors are always drawn with oversized glasses.
- Not So Different: The duo find Elfangor's actions in The Andalite Chronicles to be disturbingly similar to Visser Three's. Before he was even Visser Three!
- One of Us: At least one of the authors frequents this very site.
- Pink Girl, Blue Boy: Ifi's chat lines are in pink and Adam's are in blue.
- "Previously On...": Adam and Ifi admit they usually skip the first couple of pages because of the recaps.
- Running Gag: From Review 4 onward, JESUS WHALE pops up a lot.
- Sarcastic Clapping: Written as "-slow clap-" but this is Ifi's reaction whenever the Animorphs do something really stupid.
- Shout-Out: There are a lot of Captain Planet villians running around the 'verse, apparently.
- Significant Birth Date: Accidental example, but Adam has the same birth day as Tobias. (May 25.)
- Skewed Priorities: Adam jokes that Ifi's lack of $400 worth of Animorphs merchandise shows her lack of priorities.
- Tender Tears: The ending to The Solution leaves Adam a sobbing wreck.
- And then Ifi get a turn when she reads about how Jake wants nothing more then a normal life.
- Tsundere: Adam briefly acts like a stereotypical Tsundere when Ifi starts acting "kawaii".
- Watsonian Versus Doylist: Oftentimes an attempt to make up an in-universe explanation where none is provided will occur. That line of thought will be followed with something along the lines of "Applegate forgot about it."