Chuck Norris: Karate Kommandos/YMMV
- Drinking Game: Seriously. Just watch the opening and take a shot whenever Chuck's name is said.
- Ethnic Scrappy: Too Much and Tabe.
- Hilarious in Hindsight: The comic book adaptation features more or less the first ever Chuck Norris fact (given by enemies in his presence, no less).
- Too Much is a little boy who idolises Chuck Norris to the point of having daydreams of fighting alongside him. Although in this case he does that in real life too.
- Idiot Plot: "Menace from Space". If you're in the process of launching a space shuttle, and you know that terrorists have already infiltrated the airbase and are trying to board the shuttle at that very moment, you stop the countdown and abort the launch. You do not allow the shuttle to take off with the terrorists aboard so they can use it as a platform for their Wave Motion Gun.
- The Scrappy: Too Much is as clear an example of this trope as you're likely to find.
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