Chuck E. Cheese in the Galaxy 5000
What happens when you send the mascot(s) of a pizza joint to an F-Zero race. The whole thing is on YouTube!
Tropes used in Chuck E. Cheese in the Galaxy 5000 include:
- Applied Phlebotinum: ZOOM GAS!
- Award Bait Song: As hilarious as the prospect is for this movie, "Why Can't He See the Real Me?" seems like it was made to get an award of some sort.
- Direct to Video: It was primarily sold at the titular restaurant and Target for sixteen dollars.
- Five-Man Band: It goes like this...
- The Hero: Chuck E.
- The Lancer: Jasper T. Jowels
- The Big Guy: Mr. Munch
- The Smart Guy: Pasqualli/Hermit
- The Chick: Helen Hen
- The Sixth Ranger: Charlie
- Furry Confusion: Helen is captured and imprisoned with non-sentient chickens to be "juicified" to make Zoom Gas.
- Incredibly Lame Pun: Oh. So. Many.
- Romantic False Lead: Astrid, to Chuck E.
- Old Shame: Yes, it was FUNimation who produced this crap, before they found footing as a famous dub studio (although they were still dubbing Dragonball Z at the time). Just don't tell them that they did make it.
- Training from Hell: In the way of a crash course in what appears to be physics, dodging randomly occurring explosions while balancing on pillars, running a giant hamster wheel and playing a game of whack-a-mole... where the moles whack back. Oh, did I mention that this was all in one night?
- Villain Song: Zoom Gas! It's one of a kind!
- Wax On, Wax Off: Subverted; Hermit just wanted his table shined.
- Xtreme Sport Xcuse Plot: Chuck E. and co. join the race in hopes of using the prize money to help Charlie's parents buy a new tractor. No one brings this point up beyond the first scene.
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