< Chrono Trigger

Chrono Trigger/Fanfic Recs

Proof that the remaining 10% is worth dying for here.

These are recommendations made by Tropers for Chrono Trigger fanfics, all of which have to be signed to stay on the page. Feel free to add a fanfic of your own to the list, but remember to use the template found here.

You can also add to the current recommendations if you want by expanding on the notes about the fanfic or linking similar or related fanfics. Refrain from posting Conversation in the Main Page, though; that goes in the discussion page.

Authors and Websites

None Yet

General Fics

Stories focused on the family and the friendly relationships of the cast. Plot-focused stories or light day-in-the-life stories. Pretty much anything that isn't focused on romance.

The Entitys' Revenge by red mage1

  • Recommended by F1zzyp0p
  • Synopsis: CT cast Survivor Style.
  • Comments: When Survivor was popular there were many parodies of it. This one story is well written from years ago and simply amusing while well handled in other genres of love, humor and action. Also you must admit the Nu and Alfador rivalry is both hilarious and intriguing. Also another popular rivalry is present when Frog with Magus because of Frog/Schala. Hilarity Ensues.

Chrono Trigger by Magus523

  • Recommended by Killby
  • Synopsis: Another Novelization of Chrono Trigger, if the title didn't give it away.
  • Comments: In my opinion, one of the best novelizations I have ever read of anything. It doesn't merely transplant the scenes from the game into writing: it gives them life all its own. It manages to stay fairly true to the original work, but all of the changes made were for the better, making each scene more funny/epic/heartwarming or just generally better overall, even as far as to add whole scenes from whole cloth! It also gives more screen-time to minor characters while fleshing out their relationships to the mains and the stories behind events. Read it. You won't regret it.

The Fall of Guardia, The Cogs of Fate, The Sea of Dreams by Demon Fighter Ash

  • Recommended by Weiila
  • Synopsis: It mostly follows Magus and Lucca as they strive to protect what is left after Guardia falls to Porre, doing everything they can and more than they should have to do in order to stop Lynx from aquiring the Frozen Flame. It is a rather dark story, but also carrying a lot of hope.
  • Comments: A superb crossover between Chrono Trigger and Chrono Cross, attempting to close some of the plotholes in the latter.

Mortonhayle's eleventybillionth trip through Chrono Trigger by Mortonhayle (Spam Fic)

  • Recommended by LEDbeam
  • Synopsis: Yet another retelling of Chrono Trigger, but with a twist: The entire plot is seen from Crono's point of view, and in the most hilarious way. He hates most of the party, ESPECIALLY MARLE, but uses her to set off traps. Lucca is a lesbian, but seems to like Frog's tongue (but never seems to catch him), and the only people in the party that he actually considers friends are Frog, Robo, and Magus: All males. Includes MUCH lampshading of the game's sometimes ridiculous plot and Fridge Logic
  • Comments: Largely an Affectionate Parody of Chrono Trigger, more than a Spam Fic, but technically falls into the category, and may have many points worthy of being called Crowners. (Also worth noting that it originally started as a project on a GameFAQs board.)

Chrono Helix by alfadorredux

  • Recommended by Mysterion
  • Synopsis: A rescripting of Chrono Cross, removing most of the characters, but giving much more characterization and expansion on the remaining character's shared histories. It also adds in Guile's friend from the mainland, who naturally all but hijacks the plot.
  • Comments: alfadorredux ends up adding a lot to the story. Special note goes to Serge's new personality and Magus' presence, which both add much-needed perspective in the original Cross' more confusing moments. Naturally, this would go in Chrono Cross' recommendation page if there was one.

Time Apart From Time by Mission316

  • Recommended by Mugen Kagemaru
  • Synopsis: An epic struggle between two races suddenly hinges on a moment in a cave. Also, Chrono has a not-so-secret admirer. (Copied word-for-word from the site when this was written. Subject to change as the story continues.)
  • Comments: I found it quite interesting. Especially the scene at the End Of Time when the party first arrives there. Whole story is great, don't get me wrong, but that scene was what snagged me.

The Eternal Storm by ArcTheJedi

  • Recommended by Rythyrix
  • Synopsis: It was a battle for the future between the children of the world and the monster that would consume it. It was fought throughout all of history, and yet beyond time itself. Mankind would only know it as the Eternal Storm. (Ripped from summary at time of writing.)
  • Comments: An engaging tale, ending on a humorous note. Good vocabulary, and the story flows rather well.

Why We Fight by Rand Al'Tor

  • Recommended by Rythyrix
  • Synopsis: Frog and Ayla have no idea why the party is so obsessed with Lavos. The team enlightens them.
  • Comments: Atmosphere is nailed perfectly, and character attitude is not far behind. Formatting is strange, with misspellings lightly sprinkled over the whole work. Still readable, just be prepared to have your reading conventions rocked.

Silk Shackle by JadeDixon

  • Recommended by Rythyrix
  • Synopsis: Schala survives the Ocean Palace disaster, ends up in the Middle Ages. Angst ensues, followed by heartmelting.
  • Comments: Good use of a thesaurus, immersive storytelling, well-handled characterization, and barely any Deus Ex Machina makes an entertaining read.

Shipping Fics

Stories focused on the romantic relationships between the cast.

None Yet

Crossover Fics

Stories that cross over with another fandom.

Halftime by Aaron Ziegler

  • Recommended by: LeoArchon
  • Crossover with: Ranma ½
  • Synopsis: The wackiness of Ranma ½ meets its counterpart that is the wackiness of Chrono Trigger! A malfunction in the Epoch sends Crono, Marle, and Lucca to Nerima, and the cast of both worlds slowly comes together as an old, yet familiar evil is discovered.
  • Comments: It's not too surprising that this hasn't been put on here yet, as it's not hosted on any major fanfiction hub. However, this is one of the best Ranma crossovers I've ever read, to say nothing of Chrono Trigger (which I've read precious few fics of). The characterizations of most of the cast are pretty much spot-on. Granted, Aaron has taken some artistic license with a few things, such as Ukyo looking like Schala, Magus's sister, but overall, it makes for a wonderful story that's hilariously creative at points. ((Martial Arts Marching Band, anyone?)) Please give it a try, it's a much better read than you might think!
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