< Christian Rock

Christian Rock/Quotes

I love driving, and a lot of times I'll listen to the radio for hours while I'm driving and I'll even listen to Christian rock. By mistake. Because it always starts of as like a Bon Jovi ballad, you know. It'll be like, "I woke up in the morning, and I got myself some oatmeal, and I put some raisins on it, and Christ is God, Christ is God, God, God, God." And I'll be like, "What about the oatmeal? I thought this was an oatmeal song. I feel like every religion should have its own rock and roll, like there should be Jewish rock, like "I woke up in the mornin', and I got myself a bagel, and I put some cream cheese on it, and Christ isn't God. He's just not God. A nice guy, sure, but don't get over excited."...[Catholic rock song]"I woke up in the mornin', and I had some transsubstantiated toast, and I dipped it in oil, and those allegations can't be proven. Hypnosis isn't admissible in court." Because it's in the news right now, I think we should do Scientology rock. "I woke up in the mornin', and I, I thought I had post-partum depression, but then Tom Cruise told me I didn't, and there's aliens in my head. That's what L. Ron Hubbard said, to get your money." (whispered) Mormon Rock. "I woke up in the mornin' and I, I had a bowl of green Jello, and I put some sprinkles on it, and, this religion freaks me out, 'cause it's only 126 years old, gosh darn heck."

What were the words? Did he say Jesus Christ?

Again and again until the name became trite?
Five Iron Frenzy, "Litmus"
You people aren't making Christianity better. You're just making rock and roll worse!
Hank Hill, King of the Hill
“The fact that a good deal of the Christian industry doesn’t like us makes me feel good. Because I feel that some of the minds in the industry are the most lazy and narrow. We’re in touch with the Creator of the universe and we have to play these same cheesy licks three years after the secular world and I hate that.”

"The images of Christ that are portrayed by Christian Rock bands and magazines are that of a hippie or surfer. Jesus Christ was not a surfer--Jesus was a Jew."

"If you were to say, 'Listen to this Christian rock record,' immediately this oozy slime is on the floor. The colors of the room turn pink and cream, sugar is dripping off the walls, the furniture is plastic. You change the whole atmosphere of the room with a few words like that. And the last thing you want to do that to is a kick-ass rock 'n' roll record."
Michael Roe, frontman of the Seventy Sevens
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