Christian Brutal Sniper
Let's see how much blood's in ya!
Christian Brutal Sniper is a series of GMod Machinima videos made by KelThuzadMadness. They follow the adventures of the eponymous R.E.D. Sniper as he joyously kills members of B.L.U. and R.E.D. alike, in an almost nonchalant manner.
Videos in the main series by KelThuzadMadness include:
- Christian Brutal Sniper
- Christian Brutal Sniper again
- Christian Brutal Sniper after
- Christian Brutal Sniper often
- Christian Brutal Sniper: Fortress Dogs
- Christian Brutal Sniper: Origins
Tropes used in Christian Brutal Sniper include:
- Affably Evil
- Ax Crazy: STAB, STAB, STAB!!
- Back From the Dead: Origins has CBS climbing out of a grave after being shot in the head.
- Badass Normal: Well, "normal" compared to Painis Cupcake and Vagineer.
- To insane degrees, too. He's not only the only character so far who proved to be able to hold his own against Painis Cupcake, no, he was actually able to curbstomp him! There even was also a CBS vid out (though non-"canon") there somewhere where he takes on and makes short work of ALL the Freaks of TF2 in rapid succession.
- Bloody Hilarious
- Catch Phrase: "It's like Christmas mornin'."
- Ceiling Cling
- Darker and Edgier: Origins.
- Disproportionate Retribution What Revenge would be, if CBS didn't usually kill people just for fun anyway.
- Dissonant Serenity
- Driven to Madness: Origins implies that being left for dead by the BLU team and then set up for betrayal by the BLU spy destroyed CBS's sanity.
- Eldritch Abomination: It's unclear if CBS is one of these, but he's fought two of the most famous abominations of the Team Fortress 2 fandom, the Painis Cupcake and the Vagineer.
- He can nonchalantly and bare-handedly tear Snyphurr in half, resulting in a Rain of Blood. That's what we call a Humanoid Abomination.
- Evil Laugh
- Eye Scream: The Demoman gets a kukri shoved into his good eye. Oww.
- Forced Meme
- Gorn: CBS's handiwork on his victims can be quite bloody, usually involving cutting him up and pulling out an organ.
- Hammerspace: One of his powers seems to be the ability to pull weapons out of nowhere.
- He's Back: Didn't get killed by Vagineer after all, then showed up at the creator's doorstep in an unusually awesome fashion unbefitting of a Complete Monster.
- Improbable Weapon User: He cuts off the Engineer's head by using THE HEAVY'S SPINE!
- Leitmotif: Though the creator uses several songs in his videos for whenever CBS shows up, The Millionare's Holiday seems to be the one that most fans associate with him.
- Made of Plasticine: The reason he can cut people in half when he falls on them.
- Morality Pet: The RED spy, who CBS never kills.
- Nightmare Face
- Non-Indicative Name: The "Christian" aspect of his character is purely there for the Running Gag in the comments, and has never been brought up in the videos themselves.
- Off with His Head: How he usually kills people.
- Powerful Pick
- Random Events Plot: All of the videos except Origins and Revenge.
- Real Song Theme Tune
- Retcon: Another user made a video of CBS getting killed by Vagineer. Revenge revealed that this was just that, a video, on whose creator Christian Brutal Sniper quickly took revenge.
- Roaring Rampage of Revenge: Most of Origins consisted of one.
- Running Gag: Several.
- Whenever he does his characteristic drop in, he always cuts someone in half.
- The R.E.D. Spy decloaking at the end, usually commenting on the situation CBS has put him in.
- CBS throwing whatever he's holding, followed by the death cry of an off-screen Scout.
- (In the comments) Why is he Christian?!
- Slasher Smile: Subverted in that he seems genuinely ecstatic with what he does after showing his deformed smile.
- Sociopathic Hero: The eponymous character shows some signs of this. When he isn't killing people just for fun of it.
- Start of Darkness: Origins.
- That Poor Scout
- This Is Gonna Suck: Seconds before he dies, the Engineer notes to the Scout: "Better start praying, boy."
- Throwing Your Kukris Always Works
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