"Pepper spray? That sounds delicious! (gets sprayed in the face) AHHH!! I was wrong!! I was horribly wrong!!!"
Chowder is the excitable, young apprentice of legendary chef Mung Daal. Chowder loves food and dreams of becoming a great chef one day.
- Ambiguously Gay
- Attention Deficit... Ooh, Yummy!
- Bag of Holding - Often Mung will take things out of Chowder after he's eaten them
- Big Eater
- Cheerful Child
- Cloudcuckoolander
- Cute Little Fangs
- Extreme Omnivore
- Girls Have Cooties
- Hammerspace
- Happily Married...To Panini
- Keet
- Lethal Chef
- Mix-and-Match Critters: According to Word of God, Chowder is a cat-bear-rabbit thingie.
- Man Child: In the final episode he became one when he was older until he learned to take responsibility.
- Nice Hat: To the point where there was an episode centered around it.
- Obsessed with Food
- Panini, I'm Not Your Boyfriend!
- Ridiculously Cute Critter
- Too Dumb to Live
Mung Daal
"You see, there is an ugly lady inside us all, and sometimes, that ugly lady makes us do things we?re not proud of."
He can be a bit scatterbrained, but when it comes to cooking, Mung Daal knows more than almost anyone. He pours his heart into every dish. Mung thinks he's a ladies man and frequently offers Chowder advice about finding love.
"Radda, radda!"
Shnitzel is a big, heavy rock monster who works in Mung Daal's kitchen. He doesn't have much of a sense of humor, and Chowder is always getting on his nerves.
"Think of something dry!"
"Like Shnitzel's sense of humour?"
"No that's too dry."
- Big Guy
- Butt Monkey
- The Comically Serious
- Deadpan Snarker
- Happily Married...To ENDIVE of all characters.
- The Other Darrin: Kevin Michael Richardson in the pilot episode -> John Dimaggio (Jake on Adventure Time and Bender on Futurama) in the regular series
- Silent Snarker
- The Unintelligible
"What's going on in here!!?"
Mung Daal's wife, Truffles likes to be the boss and has a very competitive streak. While Mung Daal handles the cooking, Truffles takes of everything else.
- The Fair Folk
- I Was Quite a Looker: She was very cute and curvy when she was younger.
- She can apparently revert to this at will, as shown in "Dinner Theater" when she attracts some customers.
Truffles: Guess I'll have to get out the legs.
Chowder's pet, who lives in a cage next to his bed. Kimchi is a brown-colored cloud (an anthropomorphized flatus). He likes things that smell bad, and he "talks" by making flatulent sounds.
- Demoted to Extra
- Dub Name Change - In Japan, he is renamed as "Nattou" (Fermented soy beans), possibly for avoiding having a character with a Korean name.
- The Unintelligible
Ms. Endive
A female chef who teaches cooking to Panini with strict discipline. She regularly berates Mung Daal, whom she considers a rival. In the episode "Chowder's Girlfriend", it is revealed she despises boys and boyfriends because her fianc?id not show up on their wedding day. The creator describes her as Martha Stewart with Oompa-Loompa colors.
- Candlelit Bath
- Does Not Like Men
- Happily MarriedTo Schnitzel.
- Jerkass
- Large and In Charge
- Rival
- Your Size May Vary: Goes from being maybe two feet taller than most characters to being large enough to initiate a Colossus Climb, depending on the need of the plot.
"Oh, hiiii, Chowder..."
Panini is the apprentice to Ms. Endive. She's convinced that Chowder is her boyfriend and takes every opportunity to let him know this.
- Abhorrent Admirer: "I'M NOT YOUR BOYFRIEND!!!!!"
- Bunny Ears: She is part bunny after all
- Clingy Jealous Girl
- Cute Little Fangs
- Cute Monster Girl
- The Cutie
- Explosive Breeder
- Flanderization
- Happily Married...To Chowder.
- Mix-and-Match Critters: She's the same species as Chowder but with rabbit ears. Most likely sexual dimorphism at work here.
- Operation: Jealousy: In one episode, she pretended to be in love with Ceviche to make Chowder jealous when he starts hanging out with fellow Cloudcuckoolander Marmelade.
- Plucky Girl: That means big trouble for Chowder.
- Single-Target Sexuality
- Stalker with a Crush
- Victorious Childhood Friend
- Yandere
A storekeeper who sells strange produce and ingredients. He does his best to offer advice to Chowder when needed. He lives with his overbearing mother, who never appears. Gazpacho shows no interest in moving out and improving his own life.
- Hey, It's That Voice!: Featuring Dana Snyder (AKA Master Shake)
- Momma's Boy: This was his codename during the episode, "The Heist".
- My Beloved Smother
- Split Personality: Remember when Gazpacho was revealed to be his own Mother!?
- But that wasn't real. OR WAS IT!?
"Don't strain yourself, Pudge."
A young apprentice candle holder with a surly attitude. He resents Chowder due to him having a better job.
- Fan Nickname: Gorgy
- Friendly Enemy: "Panini for President" and "The Blackout"
- Jerkass
- Nice Hat
- Rival
- The Snark Knight
"After I escort you home could I weed your garden and hang some dry wall?"
Ceviche is a dancer and the apprentice of Pate. He is fairly easy going and has a crush on Panini. Because of this he follows her around and does what she says.
- Bishōnen: to a noticably exxagerated extent.
- Camp Straight
- Creepy Monotone: "We must avenge Panini's Death!"
- Dogged Nice Guy: To Panini. He's also her...
- Hopeless Suitor
- Love Triangle: He loves Panini who loves Chowder who doesn't accept Panini's affections until the Grand Finale. He, however, is loved by Marmelade.