Chip Cheezum
"Even whores gotta work their way up to the top. ...please don't quote me on that. Don't... don't put that quote down somewhere, like on TVTropes, perhaps."
A popular Let's Player on the Something Awful forums, Chip Cheezum has (at this time of writing) completed 18 Let's Plays, with all of them featured on the LP Archive. He has collaborated with fellow goons such as General Ironicus, VoidBurger, SnarkCookie, A Wooden Palisade and Ambisagrus. He often uploads Retsupurae videos to his Youtube account. He and General Ironicus have their own site, where all of their LPs have been posted. Doesn't seem to have a high opinion of those who add quotes on this page. Presumably, he finds it utterly hilarious that some well-mannered genius quoted something that he specifically asked not to be quoted.
So far, Chip Cheezum has finished Let's Plays for the following games:
- Beyond Good and Evil
- Spider-Man
- No More Heroes
- Killer7
- Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater
- Rez
- 50 Cent: Blood On The Sand
- Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty
- The You Testament (albeit this was mainly posted in screenshot format by General Ironicus)
- Lego Star Wars
- Uncharted: Drake's Fortune
- Condemned
- Gunstar Heroes
- Metal Gear Solid
- Zone of the Enders
- Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
- Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
- Cabela's Dangerous Hunts 2011
- Bastion
Currently ongoing LPs include:
He's also broadcasted streams of the games below, which you can find at ustream:
- Banjo-Kazooie
- Kingdom Hearts II
- Fahrenheit (2005 video game)
- Assassin's Creed II
- Mass Effect 2
- Bayonetta
Chip and Ironicus have also riffed on various web animations, most notably Elemental Goddess and the first arc of the Xin series.
Chip (and his Let's Plays) provides examples of:
- Alliteration: Chip doesn't just crawl for rations, he sneaks for Snake Snacks.
- Adorkable: Both of them, but especially Chip.
- Alternate DVD Commentary: Yes, there is alternate commentary for the alternate commentary. Starting from the first Uncharted LP, you can switch to a second audio track where Chip and Ironicus talk over the cutscenes too.
- Also done earlier and yet later with Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty, wherein the last few videos were reuploaded in "Uncut" form, which kept the commentary over cutscenes, some time after finishing its sequel. Similarly, Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater had a few videos that were reprisals of earlier cutscenes with the duo's commentary re-added.
- Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking: Happens at the beginning of "Bad Anime #2", where Chip put a NSFW-message: "WARNING - Not Safe For Work - Murder, Gore, Sex, Sexism, Nudity, Attempted Rape, Brooklyn Accents"
- Big "What?": Practically his catchphrase.
- Brand X: Muuk Energy Drink as part of a Take That against's video-partnering sponsorship program.
- Brick Joke: In the Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots LP, Chip introduces the Octocamo mechanic in the second update, and teases Ironicus about a camo pattern that makes him look exactly like The Shocker later in the game. Said camo doesn't appear until fifteen updates later.
- In the beginning of the Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty LP, Chip enters the player name as "Suck my dick." The moment when Raiden pulls out his dog tags to reveal his "name" in the ending makes the whole journey worthwhile.
- Catch Phrase: Ironicus will often say "This is the best game" whenever something really neat happens.
- Chip says "STAR WARS!" so much during the Lego Star Wars LP that it constitutes as a temporary one, at least.
Chip: R2 no! R2 WHY?!
- Chip seems to like saying "There's a man" whenever he's pointing out an enemy that will become the center of amazing things.
- Ironicus is also quite fond of saying "The end, credits roll" when something ridiculous happens, or at points that'd make a good cutoff for a video. Heard a ridiculous amount during the mind boggling ending cutscenes of Metal Gear Solid 4.
- The Cameo: Slowbeef and Diabetus do "guest commentary" (which sounds suspiciously like an unrelated Skype conversation with Chip about books) for the Bitter Mode run of Speed Buster.
- Also, Edwyn Tiong (aka Dan McNeely, aka Legend) ending The You Testament LP with a dramatic reading of two of MDickie's (incredibly egotistical) journal entries.
- Continuity Nod: In 'What If?' Mode of the Spider-Man LP, Scorpion and JJJ play Marco Polo, and Spider-Man says "Fish outta water!" Chip then gloats that there's something else to say in Marco Polo. Then, in part 6 of Uncharted 2, Chip triggers the Marco Polo event. When Drake gets out of the pool he says "Fish outta water!" Chip then gloats about it again.
- In the Trial #2 video during the Uncharted 2 LP, Ironicus advertises his new CD, using the picture that Chip had used to show him in the Message to Ironicus video of the No More Heroes LP.
- Disproportionate Retribution: Ironicus assumes at a slow moment during the Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater LP that Chip is doing said LP merely because Ironicus made a comment on not LP'ing stealth games, which Chip then jokingly agrees with.
"Hours of my life just for one offhand comment months ago."
- The Faceless: Whenever Chip records a video of himself, just enough of his face is obscured to keep you wondering, but give you a good idea.
- Gainax Ending: At the end of the No More Heroes LP (during the last Bitter Mode videos), parodying Suda51's penchant for weird, nonsensical endings.
- Another one for a Suda51 game at the end of the Killer7 LP, where it turns out that the LP never happened.
- Genre Shift: Rez and Condemned were done by Chip alone, with subtitles instead of voice commentary. Zone of the Enders was also solo, though he still actually talked.
- Not to mention any time he switches to a Cabela's hunting game mid-LP, most recently in the 'Trials' in the middle of Uncharted 2.
- Girl-On-Girl Is Hot: Hilariously averted in his Retsupurae video "Yowie wowie!!!" Most of the video consists of two girls kissing, but they're actually dressed up as Naruto and Sasuke acting out a Slash Fic.
- Hey, It's That Voice!: Lampshaded in the Xin riff.
Dom: "I've been meaning to meet you for quite a while, Xin."
Ironicus (doing his best Edwyn Tiong impression): "I've been meaning to put my voice in a thousand things on Newgrounds, Xin."
- Also lampshaded in the end-of-LP credits for Killer7, which lists Steve Blum's voice five times. And then lists him as played by Wesley Snipes.
- It Just Bugs Me: Invoked by Ironicus, who complains about plot holes in Beauty and the Beast every time the B&B Corps show up.
- Hidden Depths: It usually doesn't show up much in their Let's Plays or RPs but Ironicus has more than a little knowledge of sociology, as the 50 Cent: Blood on the Sand LP showed. He also apparently enjoys poetry.
- He also shows off an impressive knowledge of James Bond trivia in the first video of the Killer7 Lets play.
- Hurricane of Puns: Ironicus makes up a string of train-related puns during Part 11 of the Uncharted 2 LP.
- Let's Play
- Man of a Thousand Voices: Chip frequently impersonates the characters in each game. Invoked repeatedly in the Metal Gear Solid LP, when VoidBurger pressures Chip into doing a Master Miller impression.
- VoidBurger, on the other hand, does an absolutely perfect impression of Ash Ketchum.
- Ironicus is very adept at Solid Snake impressions.
- Subverted during the Killer7 LP, when Chip fails spectacularly (and hilariously) at doing a Popeye impersonation.
- Mind Screw: To go along with the Psycho Mantis fight, Voidburger suddenly becomes Ironicus during the first Hideo Blackout. The second, Chip is now playing a hunting simulator as if it was an RPG. The next video restores the game, and the third blackout brings back Voidburger.
- Name's the Same: Milked for all its worth every time it happens, but special consideration must be given to Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots's J.D. and Big Mama.
- Nobody Poops: Lampshaded:
VoidBurger: What is it with David Cage games and pissing? Why does everyone piss? Is he one of those people that found it unrealistic that, like, in Zelda Link never goes to the bathroom?
Chip Cheezum: That's like a thought that five-year-olds have, though! Like, I thought that when I watched Power Rangers, like 'When do they pee?! They never pee! When do they go to the bathroom?!'
- Put on a Bus: Ironicus has had a nasty habit of turning up absent recently due to real life complications. It got to the point where the end of one of their LPs listed him as having died after recording.
- One of Us: Judging by this bit of commentary from MGS4:
Otacon: She believes she can find the answers inside a machine hooked up to the world... she spends every day inside the net, exploring...
Chip: Usually just making new pages on TV Tropes.
- One Steve Limit: Averted. Any time Chip comes up with an 'original' character, chances are his name will be 'Hank', whether he's Chip's player-character in The You Testament, an Expy for Goku, or Liquid Ocelot's "true identity".
- Orphaned Punchline: Possibly due to commentary during cutscenes only being hearable on a second audio track:
General Ironicus: "They can retcon everything in that game except for poisonous Zanzibar hamsters."
- Rant-Inducing Slight: Ironicus compares R4 (Played by Chip) to a Mac, causing Chip to give his opinion on Macintosh machines.
- Rhymes on a Dime: "Time flies when Goofy dies", and "Jump in some hay, and you'll be A-OK".
- Running Gag: Switching abruptly to a Cabela's hunting game and acting like nothing is unusual about this.
- Referencing Resident Evil 4 at least once per LP.
- Finally lampshaded by Ironicus in part 5 of Cabela's Dangerous Hunts.
- Ironicus mispronouncing Lazarevic's name.
- Every time a member of the B&B Corps shows up in a cutscene, Ironicus will say "You know what I don't like about Beauty and the Beast?"
- Ever since their Let's Play of No More Heroes, every "hard" mode in a given game must reference that "Many strong men await you".
- Referencing Resident Evil 4 at least once per LP.
- The Scrooge: Chip Cheezum gets accused of being this by Ironicus during the Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots LP, because he insists on only recording footage on Wednesdays and Sundays (where you can get a 20% discount on all items purchasable with Drebin Points).
- Self-Deprecation:
- When discussing childhood in the Metal Gear Solid LP:
Chip: Everyone went, like, bonkers for gel pens. Even I did. I drew dragons and shit with them 'cause I was retarded as hell.
- During the Bitter Mode fight against the final boss of No More Heroes, the two are discussing possible gimmicks for the video, and Ironicus suggests pretending they're fashion designers in the game's world:
Ironicus: Ah, that'd be lame.
Chip: Plus we'd have to sound gay, and we... (Ironicus laughs) Well, that's us all the time, so.
Ironicus: I've had enough of that!
- Late into Metal Gear Solid 3, Chip calls attention to a Viddler comment on one of their earlier videos which referred to Ironicus as "General Lack of Intelligence". Ironicus responded by saying it was "pretty accurate".
- Self-Imposed Challenge: Chip achieved the "Tsuchinoko" rank in Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater by capturing said animal and keeping it with him for the entire game. In the stream of Fahrenheit (2005 video game), he's apparently aiming to pee in every single toilet in the game.
- Shout-Out:
Ironicus: I was born on the planet Krypton where my parents were bitten by a radioactive spider which killed them before my very eyes so I was sent on a small spaceship to the planet Earth as an envoy of the Amazons where I passed through cosmic radiation which gave me many powers though when I landed I crashed into radioactive waste which blinded me, but heightened my other senses; since I landed I bonded with the Speed Force and met with a representative of the Guardians of Oa who gave me a power ring in order to defend truth, justice, and the American way. Please let me into your comic house!
- Sophisticated As Hell: In Blood On the Sand, General Ironicus launches into a long reading about the sociological implications of ghetto vernacular from American Aparteid. At the end, he says "In conclusion, stop typing like you're ghetto, you fat white kids at your computers, God damnit!"
- Stealth Parody: Chip's alter-ego, Chippowai. An insanely creepy, easily-distracted and only seldomly comprehensible otaku who's pretty much a gross exaggeration of bad YouTube LPers/people who defend said YouTube LPers.
- Straight Man and Wise Guy: Ironicus and Chip, respectively, tend to commentate as this, with Ironicus usually having a much more level-headed approach. There's a bit of interlap, however, considering Ironicus' leaps of logic, and Chip's focus on being informative in his LPs.
- Stylistic Suck: The video for the Bitter Mode "run" of Letz Shake is done in a typical bad LP fashion, complete with jittery webcam footage.
- His trailer for the Let's Play Wanking Session also has elements like terrible chroma keying, Hank the Chog, and INTUITIVE BORDERS.
- Take That: The announcement that their Elemental Goddess videos were being hosted on their website came with an instructional video from Chip on character design. Where he tapes a picture of Goku to a drawing desk, sloppily traces over it with markers and names it Hank.
- Tempting Fate: In the first part of The You Testament Let's Play, Ironicus wonders why you would ever need to jump in the game. This, combined with wonky game design, was what ended up making the game unwinnable in the last video.
- Time Travel Tense Trouble: Chip and Ironicus have a hard time explaining the timeframe in MINECRAFT:
Ironicus: "At a point, isn't there a point where you have to start being skilled?", I thought at the time, is what I said then in the past!
Chip: "I don't know how long I can keep doing this! I'm dying!" I said in the past.
Ironicus: "I also had a hard time keeping straight the timeline of events! On the one hand, there was, at the time, her speaking in black and white, and then there was her speaking in color, which happened before that, and also before I was talking about it originally, which was before I'm talking about it now, and in the color part she's talking about an even-further-back time!
- Updated Rerelease: The last few updates of their Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty LP got re-uploaded to YouTube with "Uncut" versions, similar to the second audio track found in their later LP's.
- What Do You Mean It's Not Awesome?: Feeding your cat in No More Heroes.
Chip: "Cat".
Ironicus: "We are number 8." (Chip just finished defeating the rank 8 assassin)
Ironicus: "Let's feed our cat now that we're number 8. We are the number 8th cat feeder in the world."
Chip: "Yes! I'm on the cover of Cat Feeding Magazine!"
- Later on in their LP of the sequel, their cat massaging is eventually sped up and set to thrash metal.
- Where Are They Now? Epilogue: Done often at the end of games after the credits, with highly unlikely results for the characters, usually ending in a preview for the next LP.
- At the very end of the Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots LP, showing what happened to the cast after the end of the game.
- You Monster!: Ironicus calls Chip this, after Chip recounts an incident in Civilization IV where he lost an aircraft carrier to a single tribalman chucking spears at it.