Chikyuu Sentai Fiveman

Chikyū Sentai Fiveman ("Earth Squadron Fiveman") is the fourteenth installment of the Super Sentai franchise, which aired from 1990 to 1991.

The scientist Dr. Hoshikawa is working on ways to bring life to barren planets. Just when his labors seem to be bearing fruit, the planet he is on is attacked by the Galactic Empire Zone. His five children escape the planet safely, thanks to their robot, Arthur, but Dr. Hoshikawa and his wife do not manage to get away from the planet.

Twenty years later, the children have grown up, and are now elementary school teachers when Zone comes to destroy Earth. The children use their father's inventions to fight against Zone and save Earth.

Fiveman consists of:

  • Gaku Hoshikawa (Five Red) The Smart Hero and Team Dad. The eldest of the Hoshikawa siblings at age 27 and a kendo master. He continues his father's scientific studies and teaches science.
  • Ken Hoshikawa (Five Blue) The Big Lancer. The second Hoshikawa child, age 25. A physical education teacher and judo master.
  • Fumiya Hoshikawa (Five Black) The youngest of the Hoshikawa brothers, age 20, and karate master. Very childish. A Japanese language teacher who can communicate with extraterrestrials.
  • Kazumi Hoshikawa (Five Pink) The Smart Heart and Team Mom. The elder Hoshikawa daughter and the middle child, age 23. A math teacher and fencer.
  • Remi Hoshikawa (Five Yellow) The younger Hoshikawa daughter and the older twin sister of Fumiya, age 20. A kung fu fighter and music teacher.
  • Arthur G-6: The Mentor, Parental Substitute, raised the Hoshikawa siblings in their parents' stead.

The Galactic Empire Zone:

Tropes used in Chikyuu Sentai Fiveman include:

Recurring Super Sentai tropes:

Tropes Specific To Chikyuu Sentai Fiveman

  • And the Adventure Continues...: The series ends with the Hoshikawa siblings climbing into the Star Five and heading out to space, to find their parents.
  • Badass Teacher - The Fiveman themselves are school teachers.
  • Big Damn Heroes - Practically Once an Episode, when anywhere between one and four of the Fivemen are seconds away from being finished off.
  • Breather Episode - Zone's Opposite Day has the leaders forced to obey the every whim of the Mooks and the Monster of the Week.
  • Brainwashed and Crazy - One episode has Fumiya brainwashed by the Monster of the Week into attempting to kill his siblings. They can tell he's Not Himself.
  • Brought Down to Normal - One of Chevalier's Monsters can steal the Fivemen's transformation energy in order to make the Gingamen transform instead. Leads to a nice Kick the Dog line for Chevalier. "Remi, how does it feel to get killed by Five Yellow?"
  • Butt Monkey - Even if he's The Dragon, Galois is quite the bumbling officer, whom Chevalier makes fun of before his actual fall into a janitor, whereas everyone treats him badly. Beforehand, he's also the one being 'ordered around' the most during Zone's traditional 'Topsy Turvy Day'. Likewise, his doll is often beaten up by the Fivemen dolls.
  • Chekhov's Gun - When the Fivemen's Humongous Mecha is destroyed, it seems like Galois's Humongous Mecha is unstoppable, until Arthur uses the Fiveman's base as a weapon, which hasn't been done in about 15 episodes.
  • Dark Action Girl - Solar, a survivor of one of the planets Zone destroyed, who comes to Earth and is in love with Billion. Also serves as the Monster of the Week, since she can transform using capsules and a Worthy Opponent to Remi's martial arts skills.
  • Death by Materialism: Dongorosu pays dearly for putting the safety of his cash over his own as Vulgyre is destroyed.
  • Despair Event Horizon - Subverted when Gaku appears to be dead. Saying that Zone can't be defeated, Kazumi defects and becomes a servant to the Monster of the Week. This is a trick to get the monster to reverse time to before Gaku was killed.
  • Drunken Boxing - When a Zone plot causes her to get drunk, Remi gets even more smashed on her own volition so she could take out the Monster of the Week with Drunken Boxing.
  • Finishing Move - In a subversion, the Five Robo uses sword-based finishers, but they aren't named. Typically, Fiveman will yell out a reason they're fighting as they pull it off.
  • Flaw Exploitation - Zone knows that the Fivemen won't kill their students, and is not afraid to use this.
  • Genki Girl - Remi is quite a cheery girl (if she's not angsting. See Moral Event Horizon)
  • God Mode Sue - Fumiya in his 'Fiveman doll show' makes the Five Black doll (played by himself) into one.
  • Go-Go Enslavement - After Kazumi crossed Despair Event Horizon and defected, she becomes the 'slave' for the Monster of the Week and gets to wear a Vapor Wear.
  • Heel Face Turn: Meadow Although technically she isn't really evil at all.
  • Homage: In Episode 30, the Fiveman gains a new finishing move inspired by the Goranger Hurricane ball, in which they kick around a dogdgeball.
  • Man Behind the Man: Vulgyre
  • Mundane Made Awesome - Ken's almost bliztball-esque way of playing dodgeball. They don't call him the Dodge Emperor for nothing.
  • Name's the Same - The evil Gingaman team has nothing to do with the later Super Sentai team of the same name.
    • The Hoshikawa siblings are not related to Ryū Hoshikawa/Dyna Black from Kagaku Sentai Dynaman.
    • Also, Five Pink is not to be confused with the similarly named ranger Pink Five from Choudenshi Bioman.
  • Old Shame: The Five-Kun Ningyos, puppets that popped up whenever the budget ran out to explain certain scenes, became so reviled by fans, Toei refuses to acknowledge them in any publication.
  • Paper-Thin Disguise - In order to search for the Monster of the Week, which is lost on Earth, Zone pretends to be the Fivemen (or more accurately, the Sibling Teachers.) Justified in that most children have never seen the sibling teachers.
  • Sibling Team - The Hoshikawa siblings naturally. This concept would be put to use again in Sentai with Kyuukyuu Sentai Gogo V and Mahou Sentai Magiranger.
  • Shout-Out - Iwakasekigin (Galactic Rock/fossil) one of Chevalier's Monsters of the Week, can create miniture versions of itself, called Rockmen. Due to the way Japanese works, this comes out unpluralized, in other words, Rockman.
  • Show Within a Show - One episode has a kid watching Denshi Sentai Denziman on his TV.
  • Sliding Scale of Gender Inequality: Level 4. Each member of Fiveman is ranked by his or her age (as noted by the number of stripes on their visors and the metal "V"-shaped plates on their chests) except for Five Black, who outranks both of his sisters (Pink and Yellow) despite being the youngest. Fumiya is even the third-billed characters in the opening credits.
  • The Starscream - Wanikaerugin (Galactic Alligator/frog) thinks he's powerful enough to turn against Zone and takeover the universe on his own. Since he's just a Monster of the Week, it doesn't work out.
  • Theme Naming: The given names of the Hoshikawa siblings are related to the subjects they teach in school.
    • Gaku's name (who is a science teacher) means "to study".
    • Ken's name (a phys-ed teacher) means "health".
    • The "Fumi" in "Fumiya" means "sentence" (he's a Japanese language teacher).
    • The "Kazu" in "Kazumi" means "number" (she's a math teacher).
    • Remi's name (who teaches music) comes from "Do ~re mi~ fa so la ti do". The song is even used in an episode.
  • Tomboy and Girly Girl: Remi and Kazumi.
  • Villain Decay - Captain Galois starts out as a legitimate Dragon but shortly after Chevalier arrives, he's reduced to a joke and eventually, a janitor. However, he becomes more competent again by the end.
  • Villain Song - "We Are Backstage Heroes" by the Y.F Zombie Company. Yeah it's an odd song, as evidenced by the title alone
  • Wham! Episode - What looks like a Breather Episode is quickly subverted when Gaku is killed and Kazumi appears to join Zone. Thanks to time travel, he is saved.
  • Why Did It Have to Be Snakes? - When Doldora finds out that Gaku is scared of ghosts, she has the Monster of the Week create ghostly illusions of former monsters.
  • Yandere - One Monster of the Week turns people's televisions into these. The kid the episode focuses on has his television in love with him.
  • You Killed Our Parents - What inspired the Hoshikawa siblings to take up arms against Zone in the first place. They were still alive however.
  • Your Princess Is in Another Castle - So, the Fivemen finally managed to contact their parents on a distant planet. A teary voice communication ensues, when the Big Bad puts up a barrier around Earth, and the final battle begins.
  1. Not counting Power Rangers which did it in a few seasons.
  2. Gaku the scientist, Fumiya the language specialist, and Kazumi the mathematican.
  3. Gun and Sword modes.
  4. When combined with a Power Grip, it becomes the V-Shuttler.
  5. When the Twin Array and Power Grip combine, they form the Twin Frisbees.
  6. When the Power Cutters and Power Grip combine, they form the Black Jaw.
  7. When combined with a Power Grip, it becomes the Circle Putter.
  8. When combined with a Power Grip, it becomes the Yellow Flute.
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