Chez Geek
You can't throw them out... they live here!
Chez Geek is a card game from Steve Jackson Games that pokes fun at the geek lifestyle. Players take the role of a group of college-age slackers. Each player is dealt a random Job, which gives them Free Time (how many actions they can perform per turn), Income (how much money they can spend on Things or Activities), and a Slack Goal representing the amount of cool stuff they need to do (and buy) to overcome the stress of that job (from Slacker all the way up to Corporate Drone). Players can catch up on their sleep, play role-playing games (or computer games), watch bad TV, have nookie, buy food, booze, cigarettes, and other recreational drugs, invite people over (or send annoying people to the other players' rooms), and other crazy stuff.
Two expansions (Slack Attack and Block Party) were released for the game, as well as a number of spin-offs and variants, including Chez Goth and Chez Cthulhu. Not to be confused with Chez Dork, which is a Dork Tower themed card game from the same company with a similar logo and geekish themes but different rules.
- All Anime Is Naughty Tentacles: Implied by the "Anime" card, and the Anime Babe from Chez Cthulhu.
- The Alleged Car: Harold the Hoopty Car.
- Bad Boss: There's a card called "Bad Boss", which increases the amount of Slack you need to win.
- Calvin Ball: Not the game itself, but the Activity "Mutant Olympics".
- Chronic Backstabbing Disorder: Games tend to degenerate into players screwing with each other using Whenever cards.
- Clingy Jealous Girl: The Psycho Ex.
- Elevator Going Down: In the "Elevator Nookie" card.
- Frank's 2000-Inch TV: The Wide-Screen TV.
- Gargle Blaster: Implied with some of the Booze cards, like "Old Ragnarok".
- Making Love in All the Wrong Places: There are a vast number of Nookie cards that involve doing it in public.
- Recursive Reality / Self-Deprecation: One of the Activity cards is for a "Stupid Card Game" that's clearly supposed to be Chez Geek.
- Right Through the Wall: High-scoring Nookie cards can force your opponents to discard Sleep cards.
- Shout-Out: A number of these...
- One of the TV shows is "The Why-Files".
- Judging by the card art, the "Midnight Movie" is The Rocky Horror Picture Show.
- The Slacker: That would be you.
- The Stoner: Weed is one of the many Things you can buy.
- Those Wacky Nazis: TV shows include "Hitler-Y Mysteries" and "Hitler Science Theater Y2K"
- Two-Person Pool Party: Seen on the card "Outdoor Nookie".