Cherry Comics

Cherry Comics is an underground comic book created by Larry Welz, starring the titular character, Cherry. The series was originally called Cherry Poptart, the character's full name, but it was renamed due to a lawsuit from Kellogg, claiming a trademark infringement on its "Pop-Tarts" brand. The character's surname remains "Poptart" though, and it's occasionally mentioned in dialogue.
She is a Dumb Blonde who has lots of sex, sometimes in Mundane Fantastic situations, which are often parodies of popular movies, television shows and comic books, particularly Archie Comics, from which Welz derives his style. Welz also collaborates with Mark Bodé, the son of Cheech Wizard creator Vaughn Bodé. Mark draws Cherry in his father's trademark style.
Tropes used in Cherry Comics include:
- 3D Comic Book
- Adventurer Archaeologist: "Oklahoma Smith and the Lost Temple of Doomed Raiders"
- All Guys Want Cheerleaders
- All Men Are Perverts: All men are complete horndogs.
- All Women Are Lustful: Women who aren't lustful are prudes who hate sex.
- Anal Probing: Aliens do this to Cherry during The X-Files parody. Cherry, naturally, enjoys it.
- Animated Actors: Used sometimes for the Rule of Funny. Perhaps most strikingly seen in "Cherry Gets It in the End (and Mom Does Too!)" from Cherry #12, where Cherry is making moves on her boyfriend. All of the sudden, a male voice yells "CUT!" and the panel pans out to show Cherry and her friend on a set and surrounded by a film crew. The director states that there has been a couple of script changes, much to Cherry's confusion.
- Anything That Moves: Pretty much all female characters personify this.
- Art Shift: Drawn by Welz, Cherry resembles the style of Archie artist Dan DeCarlo. Drawn by Mark Bodé, Cherry resembles the style of Mark's dad, Vaughn.
- Auto Erotica: "Hot Rod Boogie", the first real Cherry story, is all about this. Needless to say, sex in cars occurs elsewhere in the series.
- Barbie Doll Anatomy: Captain Eeyow; a parody of Captain EO, the Michael Jackson science fiction character, found in the 3D issue. In the Eeyow story, Cherry pulls off his pants and finds no genitalia of either gender.
- Betty and Veronica: Cherry and Lola
- Beware of Hitch-Hiking Ghosts: "The Phantom Hitchhiker"
- Bigfoot, Sasquatch, and Yeti: Cherry is abducted by a Bigfoot in one issue. And has sex with him.
- Biggus Dickus: Rambone from "Cherry Meets Rambone".
- Bi the Way: Cherry has multiple boyfriends and girlfriends.
- Boldly Coming: Cherry has slept with aliens.
- Boy Meets Ghoul: In the Anne Rice parody, Cherry and Ellie have sex with a vampire, a mummy and a ghost.
- But You Screw One Goat!: Cherry has sex with a dolphin in one issue.
- Coitus Uninterruptus: One story had Cherry carrying on a phone conversation with her boyfriend while Ellie Dee goes down on her.
- Comic Book Time: Cherry has always "just turned 18"... and has had an amazing amount of experience in the last few minutes.
- Deal with the Devil: "Bimbos from Hell"
- Descending Ceiling: "Oklahoma Smith and the Lost Temple of Doomed Raiders"
- The Ditz: Cherry (sometimes)
- Dumb Blonde: Cherry
- Ethical Slut: Cherry may be the poster girl for this.
- Everybody Has Lots of Sex
- Everyone Is Bi: Female cast members jump into and out of sexual situations with both men and women.
- Eyepatch of Power: Cherry wears one as 'Sgt. Cherry' (a parody of Sgt. Fury).
- Gulf War: "Sgt. Cherry and her Squealing Commandos"
- Horny Devils: Lola appears as one in Cherry Deluxe (with Cherry as a naive angel).
- Hot Mom: Pepper, Cherry's mom.
- Interspecies Romance: Aliens, bigfoots, dolphins... If it can have sex with a human, Cherry will sleep with it.
- Lesbian Jock: Monique Swetlik (who is the only character who is definitely lesbian and not bi).
- Lovable Sex Maniac: Cherry
- Mafia Princess: Lola Palooza
- Mile-High Club: Cherry has sex in a hot air balloon in one story.
- Mother-Daughter Threesome
- Mrs. Robinson: Pepper Poptart
- Mundane Fantastic: Alien abduction, vampires, post-apocalyptic societies... no biggie.
- Naughty Tentacles
- Nerds Are Sexy: Ellie Dee who manages to nail the science teacher all of the girls are lusting after by virtue of being the best student in school.
- Off to See the Wizard: "Ellie Dee in the Land of Wuz"
- One Million BC: "Clan of the Care Bear"
- Only One Name: Due to the Kellogg lawsuit, the surname "Poptart" was dropped.
- Parental Incest: Cherry and her mother, Pepper, have been known to get it on with each other when no guys were available. In fact, through time travel, Cherry was her mother's first sexual experience ("I took your cherry!") and it seems pretty likely that Pepper returned the favor ("I taught her everything she knows!"). This is played strictly for laughs.
- Parody: Various, including Archie Comics, Michael Jackson, The Wizard of Oz, The X-Files, The Road Warrior, and more.
- And in reverse, Underground Comics artist Dori Seda once parodied it as "Terry Chop-Part".
- Pizza Boy Special Delivery
- Porn with Plot
- The Precious, Precious Car: Ronnie's "tuff" hot rod that Cherry wrecks in "Hot Rod Boogie".
- Punny Name: Cherry Poptart, Ellie Dee, Patty Melt, Lola Palooza...
- Refugee From TV Land: One story has soap opera characters escaping from the television and having sex with Cherry.
- Rich Bitch: Lola Palooza
- Sergeant Rock: Sgt. Cherry of "Sgt. Cherry and Her Squealing Commandos".
- Shower of Love
- Slumber Party: "Slumber Party from Hell". Not much sleep happens, but it's a Cherry story; you'd probably already guessed that.
- Something We Forgot: In "Cherry Meets Rambone", Rambone and Captain Guts wander off and leave Cherry staked out naked on the ground. She even calls after them to no avail.
- Subliminal Seduction: Lola's plan for seducing the hot science teacher involves a subliminal seduction tape.
- Teacher-Student Romance: Multiple stories feature Cherry or one of her friends having sex with a teacher.
- Teeny Weenie: The producer who takes over in "Cherry Gets It in the End (And Mom Does Too!)" is portrayed as having a comically small penis.
- Also the Vietnamese soldiers in "Cherry Meets Rambone".
- Totally Eighteen: The protagonist. Always.
- Trapped in TV Land: Ellie Dee gets transported ino a video game in one issue.
- Two-Person Pool Party
- Whole-Plot Reference: Ellie Dee's issue-long Wizard of Oz homage.
- Wild Teen Party: "Beach Party", during which all the goldfish get eaten, someone takes a chainsaw to a wall, and the beach house catches fire.
- Win to Exit: Happens to Ellie Dee in one issue. She ends up derezzing the video game's main character by having sex with him.
- Zero-G Spot
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