< Cheek Copy
Cheek Copy/Playing With
- Basic Trope: A character photocopies his/her bare buttocks.
- Played Straight: Bob sits on the copy machine at work and makes a copy or two of his bare butt.
- Exaggerated: Bob photocopies every part of his body.
- Justified:
- Bob is bored and/or mischievous.
- Bob wants to Troll his coworkers and/or boss.
- It's the office Christmas party and Bob is drunk
- Inverted: Bob makes a photocopy of his face.
- Subverted:
- Bob doesn't copy his buttocks.
- Bob is using the scanner, not the photocopier.
- Double Subverted:
- He copies his testicles.
- He scans his buttocks, then sends the picture as an email attachment to the office.
- Deconstructed:
- Bob's butt crushes the glass and electrocutes himself when he does this.
- Bob gets fired for unprofessional conduct and/or gross misuse of office supplies.
- Reconstructed: Bob sits on the copier very carefully and anonymously.
- Parodied:
- Within weeks, the entire world is plastered with the numerous photocopies of Bob's buns.
- The photocopy is seen by a fashion designer who thinks he'd be a great underwear model and sets out to find him.
- Lampshaded: "Because of Bob's unprofessional and gross misuse of our office copier, we will be installing cameras in the copy room to monitor behavior."
- Averted: Bob doesn't copy his butt at all.
- Enforced: Rule of Funny in a Work Com.
- Invoked: Bob is tempted to copy his buttocks after the Pointy-Haired Boss yells at him.
- Defied: Bob knows that he could be fired justifiably for this, and since he has a wife and kids to feed, resists the temptation to do this or tell off PHB.
- Played For Laughs: Always is.
- Played For Drama: See "Deconstructed"
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