< Check Point Starvation
Check Point Starvation/Playing With
Basic Trope: Egregious lack of checkpoints or save points.
- Straight: The game has a long level, and it contains no checkpoints.
- Exaggerated: You have to beat the entire game with one life.
- Downplayed: The level contains no checkpoints, but it's fairly short anyway.
- Justified/Enforced: The hardware that runs the game is really primitive and does not support checkpoints.
- Inverted: There is a checkpoint on every single screen of the level, which effectively means that Death Is a Slap on The Wrist.
- Subverted: There appear to be no checkpoints, but they do exist, they're just hidden far off the beaten path.
- Double Subverted: The final levels have no checkpoints at all.
- Deconstructed: Bob, a retro-gamer, buys a copy of the game on the Internet and plays it. He becomes sick and frustrated of the game's lack of checkpoints, and quits.
- Reconstructed: Bob downloads a remake of the game for the Xbox 360. The remake has checkpoints added.
- Averted: Checkpoints are common.
- Lampshaded: "Uggggh... will this game just give me a checkpoint already?"
- Invoked: The Big Bad purposely destroys all the checkpoint flags in the level.
- Exploited: The developers purposely do this to add Fake Difficulty to the game.
- Defied: You play the game on an emulator and use save states.
Back to Check Point Starvation.
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