
"Hi, I'm Charly." - "And I'm Josh."
Charly and Josh (aka "Charlyandjosh" or "the Chosh") are a pair of moderately internet-famous siblings from southern England with a camera, a YouTube account, and a very playful but occasionally scathing sense of humor. They mainly do sketches and the occasional solo vlog, with topics usually based on pop culture.
Here is their profile. Some of their early videos -- including the very first one -- have been removed, either by YouTube for containing copyrighted material (such as Charly's rant about Buffy's uncaring mother), or by Charlyandjosh themselves out of retrospective dissatisfaction.
Charlyandjosh provides examples of the following tropes:
- Beach Episode: "Message in a bottle"
- Blooper Reel: "The Silverado"
- Catch Phrase: The picture caption.
- Cloudcuckoolander: Usually Josh, with Charly being the Straight Man.
- Continuity Nod: The whole "Give a hoot, read a book, while you poop" video.
- Deconstruction: Mercilessly in "Forever Red", hilariously in "How the Knock Knock Joke was born".
- Fridge Logic: Completely disregarding the MST3K Mantra in "Forever Red".
- Incredibly Lame Pun: So very fond of them.
- Invisible Parents: In fact, There Are No Adults. In fact, there are no people in the world outside of Charly and Josh (oh wait, there's Emily!)
- Lampshade Hanging: Occasionally.
- And literally, in "A very very bad joke"
- Memetic Mutation: Charlyandjosh often hop on to YouTube bandwagons, such as the "Dear Body" or the "What can you do with" videos. Sometimes they play it straight, sometimes they subvert it, like with the "(Not a) 2girls1cup reaction" video.
- Overly Long Gag: "A salute to Saw IV". The whole sketch is a Hurricane of Puns.
- Remember the New Guy?: For two years subscribers were convinced that Charly and Josh are the only two kids in the family. Then in "Phonics 2009" their little sister Emily showed up out of nowhere, and has been a more or less steady addition to the cast ever since.
- Running Gag: Josh's list fetish.
- Stable Time Loop: "The Time Machine Pt II"
- They Changed It, Now It Sucks: The solo vlogs were dropped after a few attempts.
- You Bastard: The end of the "SEX" video. You dirty, dirty person.
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