A Character Sheet for the cast of Charade. MCs not included.
Izun Rizumu
A loudmouth redhead and the first physical fighter you get if playing a female Psionics user. She's the leader of the Beat gang in Akihabara and is physically probably the strongest character in the game.
- Fiery Redhead
- Smoking Is Cool- Actually, smoking makes her look Tough. This is lampshaded later on.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni- Red Oni to Setsun
- Boat Lights- her blue eye is hidden by her bangs.
- Dhampyr
- Big Eater
- Jeigan Character- Rizumu STARTS at level 20 for reasons unknown at least until later but will not gain EXP until the rest of the party hits her level.
- Tiny Guy, Huge Girl- She is a full head taller than Setsun.
- Boisterous Bruiser
Izun Setsun
Rizumu's younger-by-a-year brother. Comparatively gentle and kind, it's hard to believe he's the Beat gang's second-in-command or even related to Rizumu.
- Hair of Gold- both he and Stella.
- Squishy Wizard- despite being a werewolf, Setsun is roughly 60% Psionic and 40% Squishy.
Izun Stella
Setsun's twin sister, the sweet lolita of the group and a member of the lolita clique.
- Hair of Gold- Her and Setsun.
- Genius Ditz- Stella can make some incredibly strange comments and seems to be a dimwit, but for some reason she's incredibly good with computers.
- Playful Hacker- the only other one, though the PC can pick the hacking skill up.
- Obfuscating Stupidity- Stella is MUCH smarter than she lets on. She acts stupid so people won't expect much of her and she won't let them down if they don't expect much, now will she?
Yoshida Nekuo
The wickedly cool leader of the Twilight gang in Shibuya.
Vera Vigilante
A punk rock/gosuloli superstar in Kansai. As Vera, she's cool and calm with an enchantingly haunting voice. As Vigilante, she's just as loud as the boys and twice as fond of screamo.
Vera's pretty-boy partner and guitarist.
Ikebana Hayate
Osaka's playful host and leader of the Breaker gang.
=== Cornell Knight